birth of a mockingbird

ابدأ من البداية

Michael Williams, a former HYDRA soldier who helped me escape that hell, he is my favorite person to be around here, we would sit under this tree talking about what we learnt throughout the day, sometimes we didn't have to talk at all instead we spend the time sitting in silence or him sitting in silence while I read my book and vice versa, it was a blessing to have him around.

"There you are, Tiny." He smiled looking my way after hearing my voice,

I ran to him before sitting besides him  with a grin,

"Guess what? I finished basic training already, i can start practicing rituals." I told him excitedly showing him the new book,

"Way to go, kid." He replied impressed.

"How about you?"

"Me? Oh nothing just got hang of this little thing." He brought out something from his pocket, I instantly recognised what it was,

"You learned to use sling ring?!" I exclaimed taking in my hands and inspecting it closely, "woah." I chuckled before returning it, "you're better than i thought."

As much as it was impressive there wasn't a doubt he was so good at adapting magic, he was built like a soldier, strong and tall. Others didn't stand a chance.

"This one was quite the challange, harder than anything I've learnt so far." He told me tiredly,

"So you can go anywhere you want now?" I asked smirking,

He signed looking ahead before replying, "there is no where to go."

"Why not? There must be some place you miss. somewhere you want to go back?"

"Not a single place I've been at that is worth going back to. I'm happy where I am." He said before smiling again and turning his head toward me, "but I can get you to any place you want."

"Where I want to can't take me, no one can. Not even magic can help this one out."

"Why? Where is it?" He asked frowning,


Michael nodded to himself before going silent, he had understood some things about me and that is I know something everyone else want to know that I won't share and another is there i was not able to go back home for some reason, he didn't understand that feeling, what was it like to miss a place? What was it like to miss family? What was it like to have a family at all? He didn't have one, this feeling of longing was a stranger in his house,

"Say Tiny, what is it like missing home? Why do you miss it?" He asked honestly out of curiosity,

"Well, it's a feeling can't describe feelings..but for me home is not a building, it's where someone is always waiting for your return, be it any place." I answered sincerely,

"What's your family like?"

"It's a small one, my parents and me...I'm their only kid so they kinda spoiled me..." I remember my old times " know...i always wanted siblings growing up so I could play with them...older brother to be specific." I Laughed at my stupidity, i vividly remember pretending that spider man was my big brother because he was cool and funny and protective of his family, how i thought of a fictional character as my family,

"Why is that?" He asked confused,

"You would get lonely and boring playing alone...parents would be busy working most of the time so i was on my own...they would try their best to be there for me wasn't enough. i used to look at my classmates who cared for their younger siblings or who were cared by their older siblings...i wanted that."

A dream come trueحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن