chapter 1

Start from the beginning

That Niki's mark reappearing on Sunoo will mean something.

She never said it but she was hurt when they lost contact with the vampires. She didn't give up that easily and even until now. She may have stopped looking for them but she never gave up believing that she will see Heeseung again.

And hopefully, that will be today.

Karina suddenly stepped on the break. Causing all of them to throw themselves forward. Giselle was about to yell at her face but Karina suddenly stepped out of the car.

"T-the hotel!!! I-I can see it!!!" Karina's voice broke as she yelled.

Giselle and Sunoo went outside too and from their location... They could finally see the hotel again.

The place they have always longed for despite the tremendous danger it poses. Because it shelters their loved ones.

"D-does that mean that they're back??? B-but how does that explain the mark???" Giselle questioned.

Because even though Heeseung and his friends may have possibly came back. It doesn't change the fact that Taehyun, Niki and Jay died in battle. Their return doesn't mean that the dead did return too.

"Well there's only one way to find out! And it's inside that hotel!" Karina said before they ran back inside the car.

Karina sped up and parked the car in front of the hotel.

It looks the same from when they last saw it.

The creepy gates. The heavy and ominous aura.

It's there. And it's real.

"Wait. I-is it safe for us to go inside? I mean... I-It's been 2 years... we don't know what kind of monsters are inside this time!" Giselle suddenly said and pulled Karina's arm before she could open the gate.

"Giselle's right. No matter how much we want to go inside. We can't ignore that we're all humans. We have no way to protect us from the beings inside. They can toy us easily. We'll be dead before we discover anything." Sunoo added.

"Fu**. I hate how you're right!" Karina groaned and looked at the gun in her hand.

She looked at the same old hotel. She's been there and Heeseung may have deemed here to remain unharmed by anything inside. It's already been 2 years and there is no way that the same monsters she had met there before are still there.
Not even guns will help them inside if they walk in impulsively. They're literally a bunch of lambs trying to enter a lion's den. They'll be dead before stepping far from the doorstep.

"What should we do? Should we just stay out here and wait for someone to see us and spread the news for our friends?" Sunoo questioned as they retreated back to their car.

"We rushed out here with the thrill of hope that this hotel is here. And now that it is, I haven't even thought of how to go inside without getting killed." Karina huffed and stared at her gun.

She always finds it convenient at all dangerous places. But it proved useless to the hotel and they haven't even entered yet.

"But will Heeseung know the answer of why my mark reappeared? It's not like Niki is back to life." Sunoo sighed while holding onto the mark on his neck.

"He always has answers. No matter how bad that is, it's still an answer to our question. So he definitely needs to give us one as to why they suddenly disappeared." Giselle moped. She went inside the car and grabbed a snack that Sunoo always kept under the back seat.

Since they might have to wait for a while, she doesn't wanna starve herself.

The three sat in front of the car sharing a big bag of snack. And eventually, it became colder so they had to stay inside the car as if they're on a very obvious stake out observing the hotel in front of them.

Giselle and Sunoo fell asleep soon thanks to the cold but Karina's experience and motivation to find something kept her awake.

She wouldn't stop scanning the hotel like she's a CCTV or a robotic scanner.

And hard work never fails to pay off.

She saw a woman peeking on the side of the hotel. She's outside the hotel so Karina doesn't need to worry about chasing her inside. She immediately bolted out of the car which woke the two in the process.

"Karina!!!" They called but she's already gone by then.

Karina ran and ran trying to chase after the woman in white. It never crossed her mind that it could be a guest playing tricks on her and all she wants is to talk to her.

But humans are never a match for powerful beings. So Karina failed to catch up with the woman and had to return to the two. By the time she got back, the two were already panicking and worried sick about her.

"What the hell!!!? How could you do that!!?" Giselle screamed on her face before pulling the girl to a tight hug.

"Are you trying to get yourself killed!!? You don't even know what you're after for!!!" She scolded and started hitting Karina on her arms.

"I-I'm sorry... But don't worry. I'm completely okay and she didn't harm me." Karina assured them and checked the two as well hoping they weren't harmed while she was away.

And thankfully, they're okay.

"We have to stick together. This is a dangerous place and going after an entity is plainly stupid." Sunoo scolded her too before the three of them went back inside the car as it is very cold outside especially in the middle of midnight.

"I should have brought a pack of tea here had I known that we're doing a stake out with you." Giselle complained while rubbing her palms to keep herself warm.

"Shut up. You and your complaints!" Sunoo growled at her which eventually ended with the two bickering at each other like cats and dogs.

"Will the both of you shut up!?? You're making my head burst!" Karina suddenly yelled at them but Giselle also yelled on her face because she claimed why Karina is yelling at her.

"That is why everybody calls you a ludicrous bit** in high school!!!"

"You should have heard what they have to say about your loud big mouth!!!"

"You two are not kids!!! Stop fighting! This is exactly why Winter always makes fun of you two!!!"

The three were suddenly yelling at each other that no one would imagine that they shared a lot of heartfelt memories together.

And their argument made them unaware about the certain girl who had walked out of the hotel's gate and approached their car quietly.

And it only took a single knock on the window that made the three screaming on each other face while hugging each other.

I hope you liked the chapter.
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