fin: forgot

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Seconds turned to minutes,
Minutes turned to hours,
Hours to days,
Days to weeks,
Weeks to months,
And months soon to become years.

Little bits of us are now just vague and scarce,
It's easier now and my lungs don't feel heavy,

I'm forgetting your details,
And the places we went don't echo the memories,

I've forgotten your full name and your phone number,
I've even forgotten how you even looked like,
How your voice sounds,
How your ghost are nowhere to be seen in the crowds and the corners of my room,

I'm seeing another now,
I'm becoming better now,
Far much better,
I didn't concealed my feelings,
Or even hide away when I'm hurting,

I'm communicating,
I hear and I am being heard,
I fought again,
For love,
For me.

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