fin: him

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and at the end of the earth, he is still trying to look out for her. even when the sky is crashing and the earth is breaking, he is still there, running, towards his lover. no matter how it rained lava and seas rises to the city, no matter how the tides are against him and pinning, he is without weary, trying to get to her. because of a promise.

she was miles away, but he didn't count the numbers. even when the odds are high, he would still do it under the name of love.

the nationwide evacuation states that the safe zone is due south. why? why would he even risk his life for a girl he had left years ago? everyone thinking he's a lunatic for going north to get to her. but he thought if he was crazy enough to give up his life for her, then she would definitely be his sanity.

to the north wasn't an easy route. the roads were filled with dead cars and piles of debris. the highways are flooded with bodies and pile of rubles. the sky is painted red from the burning and the stench of something rotting filled the air.

with another hundred kilometer to go, he knows his car won't get him far. he decided to go by foot. let his feet bare witness to the ground he stepped, let his sweat rain the earth and his tears filled like the ocean for he would do this in the name of love.

carrying a worn out iPod, he listens to the playlist he made for her. "another kilometer to go" he muttered as the playlist restarts. the birds cried in a strange way he had never heard before, he worries for her.

2nd day of walking and starts to see the city buildings. a little more. he enters the city gates, gasping for air, intoxicated by the fumes and the smell of rotting corspes.

no matter, the meet up. they promised if the world suddenly come to an end, they'd meet one last time at the place they spent the night looking at the sky.

he's there. but it was far different than it was then, when they sat together, holding hands, ice creams, laughing, enjoying life. he looked at her with those innocent eyes. thinking, if one of them should die, he would give his life for letting a pure soul to go before you is such a sin.

the air is thick compared to that night where the cold breeze comforts both of them. where is she? sirens blaring indicating that the final hours are upon them. but, where is she? had she forgotten? had she saved herself down south? had she broke their promise and left him to die? thoughts are killing him faster than the polluted air.

"Z?" a voice calls out for him.

he turns towards the voice, her, she, came. just as the same as that night. her innocent blue eyes, her soft pink, luscious lips, her short black hair, her everything.

he stood there as if he saw a ghost. she came closer. by her walking posture, he knows she had been through worse. now, after years of isolation and solitude, here they are, 5 centimeters apart, holding urges to embrace each other.

his lips shakes but his mind spoke thousand words, her eyes were dry but her heart spilled tears and emotions that could fill the ocean.

there they were, staring at each other, is it shame? is it ego? even when the earth is breaking from inside out, does ego has it place here? or are they savoring their final moments together? too many questions that need not any answers but to be left as it is.

at the end of the world, questions bare no value to two people who fought their lives to meet again.

two words,

"you came." he whispered even when his throat left dried for days.

she blushed, and chuckles. pulling him closer, she whispered back,

"not those words that i was expecting but you here is already enough"

they embrace each other, one warm to a pulp and the other cold as the north queen.

they lay down as they bare witness to the sky that is burning. laying on the rotting grass, the air thickens and the temperature rising. but both lovers felt no such hardships. for when they're together, all the pain and suffering simply flew away, they lay there as if it was that night, that night where they spent to watch the stars together.

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