fin: a wedding and a funeral

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"till Death do us apart"

"ever thine, ever mine, ever ours"

those were the very words that you said to me when we were in love. and how funny it is to listen to it as you utter it at your wedding, but to a different lover.

how those sacred words become redundant.

how my Heart begged me to intervene when the Priest said "speak now or forever hold your peace".

how my Brain wanted to wreck your white veil wedding.

I never wanted you to notice me in the crowds, and I assumed you didn't,

but when you met me by the patio,

you said with that warm smile of yours, "glad you came"

I was tongue-tied, if as though all the fake and made up conversations I practiced for this moment deleted, forgotten.

and you teased, "why? did the cat got your tongue?"

I just cleared my throat and said, "well how could I miss my happiness's happiest day?"

that somehow took you off-guard, left you speechless for a moment, as you replied while walking away, "well, since you came to mine, I'll sure to wait for your invitation."

and that was it, the final conversation we had, how I wished under every falling star, if I only could return to that moment, I would have asked you to leave your blessed wedding, and your shitty looking groom.

days goes by but my grief didn't fade away.

weeks soon had passed and so did I.

after months I had to fight this sadness that I alone bare,

my body gave in, my mind collapsed and my life ascended.

I had knew it all along, and so I wrote a letter to my closest friends,

to not let the news of my passing ever reaches your ears.

for I know better than to make my happiness cry for a person that she once loved.

best of meTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang