fin: cruel

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"how cruel can you be Brain?" , said Heart.

"cruel? I'm cruel? was I the one who let you, Heart, get torn to shreds, break to pieces, until every single bit of you smashed to smithereens? was I wrong to protect you? am I to blame to save you from every single decision that you've ever made? if so, then let me the villain to your story, Heart, let me be the one you would curse, for I, ever wanted you to be safe." , argued Brain.

"but you never let me do anything! you would always say that I'm too gullible, that I trust people too much, that I can never be as you!"

"and you'll never be. if you are in my place, you would know that the people you let into your high-built walls will forsake you later, your castle of glass would only be filled with dust and yourself. though you may say that I am cruel or cold or even selfish, it's all for the sake of I love you. I love you to the point of I would hold myself from envy every time you let another person in. I love you to the point I would pick you up from the ashes of your kingdom for a million years. I love you to the point that my tears flood my house when I see you cry for help. I love you to the point that I would wait outside the gates of your home day and night in case you ever called me. I love you to the point that I erased every memory of the people that hurt you. I love you to the point that in when you were clouded with sadness I made sure I was there till you had fallen asleep. I love to the point that even though I can never be the one you choose to share your throne, I would still be there for you for eternity. so tell me now, Heart, am I cruel to keep the heart that has never belonged to me? "

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