fin: truth

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The way people casually say, "time will heal what medicines won't". How presumptuous. They never felt what one had been through.

How they say, "maybe not now, but soon you'll be happier". What blatant lies. How you can say such vague things to a person who's life are crumbling right before them.

And the best you could do was utter some kind of stupid hope? As if they didn't thought of it earlier.

If you had only knew what they're going through, no words of reassurance could ever made them ever feel safe again.

Their home had just been destroyed, their serenity was ruined, their shrine of hope flattened to the ground.

And you have the audacity to say, it'll be okay?

No, hit them with the truth.

Time will torture the soul out of them,

Life would be blue as if someone had dropped the bluest ink onto the canvas,

And themselves, must be able to rebuild,

Time itself won't help,

Neither their past,

It's them.

They have to stand up again,

Pick every piece that they could salvage,

And for every storm that comes pass,

Tell them, "your home must be built!"

Shout, "your garden of life must be filled!"

Engrave the very words, "your shrine must stand tall!"

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