fin: know

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i know that this wasn't love from the get go. i know that you're just being nice to me since I'm being nice to you. i know that you are having a hard time letting go. i know that my efforts and feelings are wasted. i know that my feelings for you right now is in its purest form. i know i can be an annoyance sometimes when I constantly asks if you're okay. i know that the probability of you falling for me is like jumping in front of a train and hope not to get rammed. i know that i am no near to the guys you like, I'm not as handsome, rich or smart. This isn't me asking to be sympathized, but this is me stating the facts. i have now accepted that what we have right now will soon be gone, what we have right now, will be a yesterday tomorrow, the time we have right now will be a memory tomorrow, the laughs we had, the smile that we gave, the talks that we shared. everything, it's just i just hope that maybe, by a sliver of chance, maybe God would answer my prayers by making you fall in love with me. I know that I sound desperate, but if I had to lose someone like you, I'll go mad desperate. and if you're telling me that I'm hoping too much, it's because i am. I am hoping a lot, I don't usually fall for someone like you this hard, but dear God I am. There are no metaphors or words that could describe my feelings for you. And now, if you're not meant to be mine and I am not meant to be yours, i hope that we could enjoy one sunset by the beach before we part ways and become strangers again.

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