fin: splits

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I hope you get up in the morning on the right side of the bed,

no, I hope that you wake up with a bad headache and trip over your clothes.

I hope that you made breakfast and enjoyed the sun while it's glowing,

no, I pray that you get your fingers burnt by the stove and spilled coffee all over your kitchen while the rain pours outside.

I hope that you got dressed and the ride to your office was safe,

no, I wish that you have a bad hair day and your car wouldn't start and the entire trip was jammed.

I hope that you had a pleasant day at work and your new boyfriend took you out for dinner,

no, I want you to be late for work and get your boss pissed off and you had to work overtime making the prick that supposed to replace me had to wait for an hour at the restaurant you booked.

I hope that your boyfriend drove you back home, and you went to sleep with ease and only dream of the nicest of it,

no, I begged God to make you argue with your boyfriend leading to both of you cut ties, I want you to go to bed with a heavy feeling and your night are accompanied with the thoughts of what we could've been.

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