Always Has Been Yours.

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Having his hands on the railings, taehyung gazed up at the bright moon that illuminates his face while he stood in the balcony of his room.

The crowd had already left their house, including taetae who returned back with jimin since the latter bugged him to go with him.

A faint smile bloomed on his lips as he recalled everything that had happened in his life in the past weeks. To the brunet, everything still felt like a dream and he couldn't help but smile at how his miserable life became so meaningful. To no one that loved him, now taehyung has too many people who loves him genuinely and cares about him which was the reason for the brunet's wide smile as he giggled to himself.

With this, taehyung learned one lesson, that no matter how miserable your life is, you should not give up and fight back. Because whatever you lose in the middle, will eventually come back to you in the end.

Humming at his blooming thoughts, taehyung smiled at the night view of the endless forest with a moon shining bright above him, just like his face that shines with smile.

A gasp escaped his lips when he felt a pair of cold hands snaking around his waist from behind, tracing over his soft tummy, making him smile.

"What are you doing here when you should be loving your husband?" Jungkook hummed next to the brunet's ear who tilted his head instinctively, giving a room for the ravenette who quickly leans down, kissing the soft skin of the brunet's.

Taehyung's hands ran over the ravenette's veiny hands that stayed over his navel and held them into his. A soft squeak left his lips as the male kissed his red ear. Taehyung slowly turned around into the ravenette's hold and gazed up at the male's eyes which looking down at him with love dripping eyes.

"Happy birthday." Jungkook whispered, earning a shy smile from the other.

"Thank you!"

Snatching his waist, jungkook pulled the brunet's body against his and slowly captured the other's smiling lips into a sweet kiss. Taehyung smiled between the kiss when jungkook kept whispering the same words every time his lips leaves his.

"I love you"

"Wanna go on a date with me?" Pulling away a little, jungkook whispered against the brunet's lips whose eyes enlarged in size.

Taehyung instantly nodded his head at him causing the other to grin wider.

"How about an amusement park?" Taehyung gasped when he heard those words and jungkook stifled a laugh when he saw the wild expression on his face.

"J-jungkook, y-you're not being serious, a-are you?" The way he stuttered with his eyes shaking in fear had jungkook cracking up.

"I'm dead serious." Jungkook deadpanned.

Taehyung felt the anxiety rise in him as his eyes started shaking in fright.

"J-jungkoo--" Taehyung's words cut off when the said male leaned down, kissed him on the lips.

"Don't worry, I'm not taking you there. Because I know you are a coward." Taehyung whined, slapping the male's chest who giggled at his whiny face.

"Shut up! Not everyone likes the rides." Taehyung whined again.

"But you sure like to ride something else." Taehyung's cheeks started burning from the male's continuous teasing.

"Shut up." This time, his voice came more as a whisper.

"Okay, I won't speak the truth anymore." Jungkook teased again, making the brunet scoff as he looked away from him.

Grinning at taehyung, jungkook turned his body around and made him look at him which the brunet did.

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