I Love You!

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"Yes what?"

"I love you!"

Jungkook's eyes grew wide at those three simple yet soul shaking words, his body stiffens as he stood there in utter shock though he already knew this is what the brunet was going to say.

"H-Huh? What?" Jungkook spoke after realizing that taetae has been calling his name for a while now.

"I love you hyung." The way the brunet breathed those words again had left the ravenette speechless. Hell he couldn't even comprehend anything anymore. He had long forgotten about his plans for the rejection. He had already forgotten the reason why he came here in the first place. But it was all until the brunet decided to speak again.

"Hyung... Do you... Love me t-too?"

Jungkook cursed under his breath. In fact he wanted to shout "No! I don't!" But he couldn't. Not when the brunet's eyes looking at him with full of hopes and the shy smile on the corner of his lips. jungkook doesn't know why he's afraid of losing that smile once he opens his mouth.

But he had to. He can't lie and let this go on forever. He'd rather lose that smile instead of falling into a trap.

He's having a little battle inside his head. His mind kept telling him to say no. But his heart doesn't cooperate with him when his eyes still looking at the brunet's innocent eyes staring at him with full of love.

"Look kitten, i-" He started but he couldn't complete his words when he heard the tiny giggles slipping over his nickname.

God! Can you stop being so fucking cute? I'm trying to reject you!!

"Fuck, this shit is hard! "The ravenette breathed out, smacking his own head.

" Listen boy, I'm not the type of person what you think I am. So you better not come after me. " Jungkook almost rapped and let out a sigh of relief. Thought he made himself clear but it was until he saw the clueless expression on the brunet's innocent face.

Argh!!! Why is this so hard?

Taetae flinched a little at how crazy jungkook acting right now. The male started groaning as his hands started pulling his long hair out.

"What the fuck is he doing? Does he not know how to say no?" jimin grumbled, watching them from afar. Hands punching the wall next to him.

"Hyung, a-are you oka--" Taetae tried to approach the ravenette but soon halted upon hearing the sudden yell from him.

"No! Stay... right there! I don't want you to come near me." His finger pointed directly at the brunet who wore a confused expression on his face. He doesn't know why but the way jungkook shouted made him feel upset, lips pouting subconsciously.

"Do you not w-want me?" The brunet's voice cracked as he felt the tears already brimming in those eyes, threatening to fall down.

Jungkook panicked when he saw those fresh tears falling down his eyes trailing down his cheeks.

"N-no no no! I didn't say that! I like you too! --Wait what!? "

Jungkook stood in utter shock and was surprised more than the brunet himself. He couldn't believe what he had just blurted out. Hands flying slapping his own mouth as he stood still.

"What!?" Jimin wanted to go and punch him in the face and he almost made a move but stopped on his track, eyes growing wide in pure anger.

Taetae did not waste any time running to jungkook throwing his arms around his neck, pulling him into a tight hug as the smile on his pretty face went even bigger.

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