14 ~ The Result of Virginity Test

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Now, I felt a frightening shiver in my lower abdomen and I gulped.

"There was nothing serious to tell,"

She furrowed her eyebrows and crossed her arms in front of her chest.

"Really? I want to know everything,"

She exclaimed and I inhaled a deep breath.

"Wait, what?"

She asked again and brought her finger closer my chin, making it tilt sidewards a little.

"Do not tell me Nandani that he was here last night,"

She said with the worry in her eyes and I sat on the couch palming my face.

"Yes, he was here last night and gave me a warning cum alert about the time wedding,"

I said and looked at her.

She inhaled a deep breath and sat beside me.

"Do you even know what the hell is he planning? And what the hell happened between you two first of all?"

She asked and I looked in her direction.

"Ruhani, I was in love with this man, so much in love. Like, I wanted everything with him, everything! One night, I slept with him and later in the morning he left me with a letter screaming tit for tat. Revenge,"

I said and she almost whisper yelled with shock.


"What did he do? I mean what actually happened?"

She asked and I sighed.

"We decided to spend a night, and in the middle of it, he gave me something that made me unconscious and I do not if he actually did it or not. Also, he left with a letter saying 'a scar your family gave to me and a scar I gave to your family'. And, now I hate him so much. Like, he crossed the limit of revenge,"

"What revenge?"

She asked in between.

I gulped and exclaimed.

"Well, my mother was promised to his father almost twenty two years ago. That time my mother did not know that it was just his plan and he was an old man in his forties. My father ended up marrying her kind of forcibly and his father then decided to take the revenge. Which my mother almost ended by killing him, when he tried to kidnap her. So, Rudra is seeking revenge of his parents who kind of died because of my parents. And, in all these he involved me. And, then I decided to marry, to his uncle..." I took a pause and continued "... Who is around eight years old and he is so mad about it. Now, he does not want me to get married to him,"

I finished and she instantly spatted back.

"Why the hell are you marrying his Uncle? This is a really stupid idea Nandani. Stop this right now,"

I gulped.

"No, I cannot. Ruhani it is so complicated. Rudra is hot headed, he knows nothing than his revenge. He is so devil. If I would not stop him, he will first win the throne of the Suryagarh, the kingdom whose King is that Eighty year old King and then after getting a Kingdom which is technically stronger than us, he would attack us,"

"Then let him attack us, Maamujaan is strong, your brother is strong, they will stand beside you. You do not have to do it,"

She spatted back and I looked at her.

"No, I am not ready to sacrifice a thousand soldiers and risk my brother's and father's life for some stupidity. He needs to understand that what he is doing is wrong and the revenge thought is completely baseless. There will no use of his realisation after a thousand people will be dead. It will make everything complicated. When I can a simpler way to stop him, I want that way,"

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