Chapter 86- The Cost of Love

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Loki's POV

"Come to die?" A voice booms.
I know this voice. This is the voice that haunted me so many years and still haunts me to this day.

"Where are you?" Tony yells.
"Come and find out," the voice snickers.

Everyone walks into the large cave looming in front of us. It leads out into a large hall.
No one is quite able to take anything in as an attack falls from the sky.

Monsters of all sorts rain down on us.

I pull out my daggers and throw them around, slashing monsters left and right all to get to her and in that moment I see her. It's as if time has slowed as I see her lifeless figure lying in a crumpled heap in the corner.

Time speeds up again and I fight off any attacks more viciously than before, desperately wanting to get to Y/N.

When I get through I run to her and roll her over. She's breathing and has a pulse although it's very faint.

"Leave," she croaks out.
"No. Never. Never again," I tell her.

I can just about feel the pain radiating off her so I put her in a magically induced coma. She won't be in pain that way.

With that, I life up her weak body and start running back through the chaos, unsure of where to teleport to.

"GET HER OUT OF HERE OKAY!" Dr. Strange yells at me.

I run like hell out of that hall and back through the cave until the ship comes into sight and I don't stop until I've gotten there.

With that I lift up the ship and fly it to where the Avengers are.

Each manages to climb up until all are safely inside.

Clint takes over and I run back to Y/N, not wanting to let her out of my sight ever again.

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