Chapter 84- Found It

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Steve's POV

The ship sails through the vast expanse of nothingness until we reach a rocky wasteland. At this point, we know we're here.

Loki stands up and I can see a shiver run down his spine.
I get up and join him.

"Is this it?" I ask.
He nods solemnly.

We both turn back to the rest of the ship who are begging to stand up.

"How do we know when we- oh wait never mind I think I se where we need to go," Clint says.
I peer out the front of the ship and see one particularly large asteroid. That seems about right.


We all get off the ship and spread out beginning to look for anything that might lead us to Y/N.
"Guys this might help," Wanda says looking horrified and the floor.
I'm unsure of what it is but when I get closer I realise that it's blood. This isn't old blood either, this is fresh.

As a group we follow the trail, everyone tense ready for anything that might try to attack us and it's not until Tony tells us to lookup that we realise we're precisely where we need to be.

It's so short I know. I just want this book to be finished. It's so bad.

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