Chapter 48- Finishing a Day of Hard Work

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"Hey Tony, how many empty USB's do you have that I can use?" I ask.
He gets up and walks over to a box and chucks it at me. I open it to hundreds, maybe thousands of USB's. I need them to add extra files on for everyone ad then a USB that everyone can take with the virus so that anyone can install the virus. The more people who can install the virus the better. As I start to work on that I hear the lab door open. Tony, Bruce and I all look up. It's Loki.
"Thor told me to come get you all for dinner," He says unenthusiastically.
"Ok, one sec," I say as I securely close all the platforms I had open.
Tony and Bruce leave to get a lift ready for us. Loki waits at the door for me.
We walk out to Bruce and Tony who are still waiting for a lift, talking about lord knows what.
"Why were you with these two all day pet?" he asks motioning to Bruce and Tony.
"I'm helping them hack and break into a Hydra base. It's a lot of work," I tell him.
"I can tell, you look exhausted," he says.
The lift comes and we all get in.
"So when are you planning to break into the Hydra base?" I ask Tony.
"Pretty much as soon as you're done. How long do you think you'll be?" He asks.
"Uhmmm, probably two days," I say to Tony.
"That's really quick!" He says.
"Well I had to teach myself how to hack security systems and pick locks so that I could keep away from Hydra so I got pretty good at all of that sort of stuff," I say.
"I can't imagine having to go through everything you went through and then having to do everything that you did," Bruce says.
I sort of shrug it off and Loki wraps me in a hug.
The lift dings and opens to the dining room.
"Welcome you lab nerds!" Sam says.
I roll my eyes dramatically and the four of us sit down.
We begin to eat.
I hear Peter ask Tony about something as Dr Strange begins to talk to me.
"So Y/n, what powers do you have," He asks.
"The same as Loki except he had some extra Jotun magic," I say.
"Nice, so now I have two extremely powerful Asgardians to watch out for!" he says sighing.
"I didn't cause any problems before I was taken in here, I can't be as mischievous as Loki," I say.
"I suppose!" he says dramatically causing Loki and I to laugh.

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