Chapter 41- More Avengers

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Loki and I are sitting in our room reading books that Loki brought back from Asgard.
"Miss Y/L/N, Mr Laufeyson, Mr Stark requests your presence in the living room," Friday says.
I look up from my book and over to Loki. He shrugs.
We get up an walk out to the lift.
"What do you think he wants?" I ask Loki.
"I don't know," he says.
The lift doors open and we walk out into the living room.
"Ah, here they are!" Tony says. He standing with some other people, some of which I've seen on TV.
"We just wanted to introduce you to some of the other Avengers. A couple of them are from the other compound and some of them live here in New York," He says.
"This is Wanda," a girl with red hair waves.
"Vision," the red metal guy holding Wanda's hand waves.
"Sam, one of Steve's friends," The guy who was talking to Steve waves before going back to talking to Steve and looking shocked.
"My fiancée, Pepper," the girl next to Tony waves.
"One of my close friends, Rhodey," the guy on Tony's other side waves.
"The wizard guy who lives up the block, Doctor Stephan Strange," a guy with a weird red cape waves and then scowls at Tony.
"And last, Peter," A small boy who couldn't be more than 16 waves at me.
"So this is Y/N and I think you already know who Loki is," Tony says motioning over to both Loki and I.
"Alright, you two introverts can go back to reading or whatever nerdy things you were doing," Tony says before Loki and I make our way back to our room.
"I can hardly remember even half of their names!" I say.
"It's ok, I know who they all are so I'll help you," he says.
I nod and we go back to reading.

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