Chapter 81- The Mountains

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Nat's POV

As the four of us reach the bottom of the mountain, we look up. These are some massive mountains.
"Don't worry Lady Natasha, they're not as bad as they look," Thor says encouragingly.
We begin up the mountain.
"So, how far away is the first place Loki could be?" Strange asks.
"Not too far from here actually. I'd estimate we'll be there in about two hours," Thor replies.
"Oh, ok. That's not too far," Peter says, jumping along cheerily.
"Pete, you might want to stop jumping, you'll waste all your energy," I tell him.
"Okay!" He says and smiles, but stops jumping.
We continue walking. The higher the altitude, the colder it gets. We eventually reach the parts of the mountain with snow. Luckily, we were given warm jackets to wear for when we entered this part of the mountains.
"We're almost there!" Thor exclaims.
We walk for a little bit longer before reaching the entrance to a cave.
"You all need to be very careful when we enter, Loki could potentially be in a very dangerous mood," Thor warns.

We all enter the cave and being looking around. After about 15 minutes of searching, everyone comes up empty handed.
"Where to now?" I ask.
"I didn't think Loki would be in here but it was worth a try. The next stop is the place he's most likely to be. He used to go here all the time when he had a fight with father. I expect he'll be there," Thor informs us.

We continue up the mountain for approximately another 30 minutes in almost complete silence. Peter is the first to speak.
"What should we know about Loki in the state that he's in?" he asks.
"Well, when Loki is upset, angry or feel betrayed, he tends to get violent, but it's unlikely he'll hurt us if we tell him that we need him to do something for Y/N," Thor says.
"But we could get hurt?" Strange asks.
"It's possible, but I doubt it," Thor replies, stopping in front of the entrance to a cave. 

We all begin to head inside, careful that we may startle Loki, if he's even here. As we get a little bit further into the cave, we see some light.
"I think we're in luck," Strange says.
"Ok, everyone follow me but I'm going to go talk to him first," Thor says.
We get near where he's sitting and hear light crying. As much as I hated him, I feel sorry. He was so close to Y/N and losing her must have really hit him. I see Thor walk up to him and I can tell that Loki's noticed because he stops crying and moves a little bit further into the darkness, away from his fire. Thor sits down next to him.
"We need your help. It's about Y/N. She... her-" Thor stutters.
"She what?" Loki asks, danger hinting at the edge of his voice.
"Someone's taken her body," Thor says.
Loki looks up at him. Peter walks into the scene.
"I'm sorry Mr.Loki. We really need your help though to find her," he says.
"Pete hey," he says, smiling a little.
Strange and I walk out of our spots now as well.
"You coming?" I ask him.
"Of course. There's someone who needs to be caught and I'm ready for it. Lets go get whoever's taken her away," he says angrily.

Uhm hehe hi. I'm back. I've been trying to write some more of this book for a long while now. I'm glad I cracked out this chapter. I'll try and have more written soon. Christmas/Summer holidays coming up for me to plenty of time. I don't really like what I've done with this book and my writing is getting better than it did when I started. So, I'll probably try to finish up this book in the next month or two. I doubt anyone will miss this book but I will write a new Loki x reader with a better plot.

Bye for now. 

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