(12) On the Run

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"Is he going to make it?" Leora asked, her voice and panic rising as she stared at Nick's body. The doctors were operating as fast as they could, but it seemed fast wasn't going to be enough. Leora felt sick to her stomach as she watched them work. This was her fault. She should have been with him to protect him and-

Natasha's hand slid onto her shoulder and Leora looked up to see the Widow, face filled with barely masked fear as she looked into the room.

"I don't know." Steve all but whispered as silence descended into the room.

Their mission had only been two days ago. In that time period Steve and Leora had gotten into another fight, resulting in Leora telling Steve everything she had been up to in the past two years. All the times she missed out on plans, blew the team off, it was because of this, her job.

"Tell me about the shooter." Nat demanded, squeezing Leora's shoulder. Fury had been in a car chase which resulted in him appearing at Steve's apartment for help. However, he had been shot by a mysterious shooter, resulting in his life threatening condition. Leora closed her eyes, the very thought of Fury being hurt like this made her want to vomit.

"He's fast. Strong." Steve bowed his head, "Had a metal arm." Natasha opened and closed her mouth as Maria Hill came to stand by them. The agent appeared calm, but Leora could feel her pain.

"Ballistics?" Nat whispered, Leora knew her mind was racing, trying to think of anything that could help identify the assassin.

"Three slugs, no rifling. Completely untraceable." Maria replied, shaking her head.

"Soviet-made." Natasha breathed a shadow crossing her face as if Maria had confirmed her suspicions.

Before anyone could say anything else, the steady beeping turned into a flat line. They all returned their attention to the operating room. Leora's heart rate picked up with the monitor as the doctors rushed around, yelling things at each other and grabbing their instruments from the racks.

"Don't do this to me Nick." Nat pleaded softly, she was sad now, watching as the doctors tried and failed to resatate Nick, "Don't do this, don't do this." Natasha whispered over and over again, her eyes tearing up. Leora reached out towards her, placing a hand on her arm. Her mind wasn't working right, she couldn't think straight. Any moment now Nick should be standing up, telling them to stop being such fools and-

But he was gone. Nick Fury was dead.


He had been the first one to accept her. Instead of treating her like a baby he had offered her a chance to do something with her life, a chance to live again. He had been her saving grace when she arrived, helping her adapt and survive to her new conditions. And now he is gone. Nick Fury was dead.

"We must learn to let go of our attachments." Leora whispered to herself, the words radiating into her mind. While she would always cherise Nick, she knew she had to let go. She would meet him in the next life, Leora knew that for sure.

But it still didn't stop the pain. It didn't stop her heart dropping to the pit of her stomach, it didn't stop her from vomiting her breakfast up, it didn't stop the fact that Nick was gone.

Time passed in a strange way from there. One moment they were staring at Nick in the operating room, the next they were by his side in the morgue, a white sheet covering his body. Maria and Steve watched as Leora and Nat said their goodbyes, talking to each other while they waited.

"Natasha. Leora." Steve whispered. It was time to go.

Natasha placed a hand on Nick's forehead, bowing her head in respect. Leora bent down and placed a soft kiss on top of his head, not quite wanting to let go like everything begged her to, like she had decided what seemed to be days ago. Leora turned from the body, exiting the room.

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