(4) Monster

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"Bleeding me dry like a godman Vampire"

-Olivia Rodrigo

I shot out of the bed I was in, the cold sweat on my body making me shiver as I surveyed the room. I quickly recognized it as the med bay in the helicarrier thanks to the tour Coulson had given me. Looking to my right, I found Fury and Natasha watching me.

"Feeling better?" Nick asked, drawing closer to me, the world spined a bit for a moment before settling. I sighed in relief as the nausea disappeared, replaced by confusion.

"Yeah, what happened?" I questioned, trying to recall what happened before I ended up here. The vision of the woods came to my mind, along with Stark, Rogers, Thor, and of course, Loki. Panic immediately shot through me, "Did you recapture him? Loki?" I all but demanded, sitting up against the rigid pillows.

"He's being contained as of now." Natasha replied, "The doctors said your mind was overstimulated with everything that... happened." Her pause made me raise a brow, the last thing I remembered was jumping down from the rock, great this made two cases of amnesia in less than a week. Focusing on the memory, I focused my mind on what happened next, narrowing in on the vision.

The image of Thor came to my mind suddenly, his body twisting and turning in the air as he looked at me in disbelief, his eyes wide and almost confused. A low thrumming pulse began to pound through my head, causing the vision to disappear, "I remember now." She muttered, her headache clearing.

Natasha nodded, tilting her head a bit, "How did you do it back there?" She asked after a moment of silence, inquiry creasing her face. How did I do it? It seemed almost natural... right. Like it had been when I had saved Fury and myself from the helicopter, or when I had landed in the forest.

Shrugging, I answered Natasha, "I don't really know, it's like an instinct, I just did it, I barely even thought about it." When the silence stretched on, I continued, "It's just this feeling." I knew my explanation wasn't perfect, but it was at least something. Natasha and Nick shared a surprised look and I shifted uncomfortably in my seat.

"Feeling?" Natasha prompted, I closed my eyes, trying to bring back the memories shrouded in darkness. Searching every crevice of my mind for some sort of answer before finally finding one.

"It's a lot like the feeling you get when you sense someone's emotions, you know?" If Natasha and Nick had looked surprised before, they seemed completely shocked.

"You can sense people's emotions?" Nick breathed, "Like you know what I'm feeling right now?"

Nodding, I answered, "You're shocked, but I don't need to read your emotions to know that." Natasha coughed, trying to conceal a laugh, "I'm sorry, I thought everyone could do it."

Pulling up a chair for herself and Nick, Natasha shook her head, "I'm afraid not Leora, could you tell us more about this... feeling?"

I nodded, thinking about the feeling, it was warm yet cold, it felt perfect, it was impossible to describe and yet I could describe it perfectly.

"I can sense every living thing around me." I replied after a moment, closing my eyes. As the words spilled from my mouth, I opened my mind. It was like a small bubble, I could feel myself, Natasha, and Nick, but if I focused enough, I could expand the bubble until I could feel everyone in the room, and the in the entire wing of the helicarrier, "I think this is what helps me manipulate the life around me, like how I can stop myself mid fall, or hold something up in the air." When I opened my eyes, I found the pair staring at me intently, "I still need a little more time to understand it before I can give you both a better explanation, I need more time to figure out what I can do."

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