N̴o̴t̴ ̴H̴o̴r̴n̴e̴t̴s̴ ̴A̴g̴a̴i̴n̴

692 21 108

I swear this song is impossible to find now

(Y/N) felt her eyes strain as she rubbed them softly with her palm. Thankfully she was on her final stitch on her gown but after spending all her time in a dimly lit room focusing on tiny details her eyesight might've taken a little toll. She felt her mind at peace and not clouding with other worrying thoughts while she was working day and night in the shed.

Closing the stitch, she sighed lifting the gown right, "maybe I did go a little overboard," she muttered feeling around the navy blue soft lightweight fabric decorated by jewels. She then jumped in her self-made wood chair at the sound of someone bursting open the shed door.

Turning around she squinted at the sudden sunlight, "Marce?" Marcy's eyes shifted from the finished gowns on a rake to the crazed-looking (Y/N) holding her gown as if her life depended on it. "Ugh hey...girlfriend?"

So, this is where my dignity dies, (Y/N) combed her fingers over her hair trying to fix it for Marcy. She then waved awkwardly at her before placing her gown down and pointing to the rake, "if you came for you and Anne's dresses then it's done" Marcy nodded grabbing and folding the two gowns in her arm. (Y/N) watched before looking back at her gown, she pretended to check for any over stitching or long strings that needed to be cut not wanting to face the puppy-eyed eye.

She could practically feel the sad eyes of the girl, who was craving her attention. Marcy continued to stare longingly at (Y/N) eyeing her. Marcy believed that (Y/N) was becoming distant from her because she was reconsidering their relationship all cause of her father. Marcy used to look up to the man but after the temple, she wishes nothing but bad things for the guy.

Marcy felt her eyes soften examining the messy bits of her hair that had fallen on her face, the eyebags under her eyes were visible but alluring to the dorky girl.

Marcy placed her hands behind her back as she took a couple of steps closer to the girl, "um (Y/N/N) you know I know that you've been lying to me about taking care of yourself and you've actually been overworking yourself in here. And it's not that I don't like that you are enjoying and expanding your skills but not to the point of exhaustion not that I'm saying you don't look good-I mean you look good regardless," she began frantically trying to defend herself. (Y/N) hummed not wanting to face the girl or she'll crack under pressure.

Marcy never liked when she was ignored by her friends but for some reason, she felt even worse, frustration building due to the girl in front of her. Marcy moved closer to the girl, hovering her body over hers as she placed her hand under (Y/N)'s chin lifting it to face her eyes. But once she did, she felt all the frustration disappear all at once as her body froze in panic. Marcy was enchanted but also panicking not knowing what to do.

She knew she wanted (Y/N)'s attention, no she craved it after being given only crumbles for the past few days, but now that she did, she didn't know what to do. The two girls stared at each other, (Y/N) felt her energy increase as she stared at the dorky girl in front of her that was growing red within seconds. The comforting smell of salt and vanilla filled the girl's nose; making her feel nostalgic somehow. (Y/N) smiled, she didn't know Marcy had the effect of making the girl feel as if everything was going to be okay.

"Need help?" (Y/N) finally let out, calm and compassionate even though she could barely think straight herself. Marcy's face was entirely red as she nodded her head, focusing her eyes on (Y/N)'s lip which she missed. (Y/N) had a cheeky smile on her face, she waited for a second longer before shocking Marcy by closing the face between them and kissing her. Marcy felt her heart jumping out of her chest as she closed her eyes, her hands wandering on (Y/N)'s neck and through her wild messy hair.

(Y/N) could tell Marcy had missed her from how playful and affectionate she was being, tightening and pulling (Y/N) closer to her. She felt bad recalling the comforting mornings and nights of getting to wake up by her side with caresses and kisses, she felt guilty being the first to pull away. If she didn't, she knew she would've passed out from lack of air which apparently Marcy didn't need.

Everything Changes Marcy x ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant