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The Plantars and (Y/N) were on Bessie traveling back home from yet another eventful adventure, "Well, that was a waste of time." 

Traveling through snail is a waste of time, (Y/N) huffed to the side watching as the trees slowly pass. "Ugh, you said it," Hop Pop agreed. (Y/N) began to stretch yawning from exhaustion. She wasn't used to traveling through snail still and no disrespect to Bessie but sitting in one place for a long period was boring and mentally draining to her. It reminded her of when she was younger and would ride the limo with her dad, even though it wasn't as neglectful and there was an actual conversation happening from now and then. The two still had something in common it was boring and repetitive.

"Can't believe there was nothing in the archives about my music box," (Y/N) eyed the box as did Polly and Sprig. 

"Wow," the two young frogs said in awe. (Y/N) eyed the box, it being the first time she's seen it since Anne's birthday.

"So, you really think this is your key to getting home?" 

"Well, it zapped me here, so, yeah. It's pretty much my only lead," (Y/N) rested her head on her palm remembering the events of that day. She sighed thinking about how different her life was compared to Amphibia's mostly happy memories that she created.

"Really looking forward to finding someone who can help me fix this thing," (Y/N) motioned to Anne to hand her the box which she did right away, it was rather small similar to a jewelry box. She wouldn't be lying if she said she was amazed by the design of it, it had a frog in the tropical woods, praising the grey gems behind an engraved sun design. (Y/N) does recall the gems glowing though but doesn't say anything. She turned the box to the right side spotting a small key as a possible accessory.

"Don't worry, Anne. We'll figure it out eventually I mean we have (Y/N) now, I'm sure she'll be able to come up with something," (Y/N) knew Hop Pop meant no harm but she wasn't fully invested in trying to find a way home. She knows it's cruel and dangerous for Anne and the girls, but she would be lying to herself if she tried to force herself to find a way back. 

I wish I didn't have to go home and could just stay here a little longer...

"No offense to myself but I have no clue and don't think I'll be able to get any leads without Marcy," she traced the drawings on the box. "Best I can do for us both is give theories and not even strong ones at that...sorry Anne fantasy wasn't my thing" Anne sighed as (Y/N) gave her back the box. She knew how badly Anne wanted to go back home but it wouldn't hurt anyone to stay a little longer. 

Her thoughts were then interrupted by Hop Pop stopping abruptly, "Hey, get outta the way, you... whatever the heck you are" Everyone turned to look at what caused the sudden road blockage, (Y/N) was shocked as small creatures crossed the road. "Hmm," Sprig and (Y/N) eyed the tree that the strange creatures were coming out of. In all the books (Y/N) was assigned to read, she wasn't given much information on the creatures only being told that they were a key to a weird place. 

"Oh, hey. What's that? Man, these things are cute," Sprig then proceeded to hop out Bessie walking closer to the tree. He watched as the rest of the small creatures left the tree, the last one being an orange fluffy thing. It dropped down from the tree before chirping and running away following after the rest that left. Sprig and (Y/N) were awed at the little thing, I want one as a pet...

She tried to jump out of the snail-like Sprig but was stopped by Anne, "(Y/N) no you can't keep one" (Y/N) pouted setting herself back in her seat. "Sprig! Sprig! Don't put your hand in there." Anne called out to him; it was almost as if Anne was a mother dealing with two children. Sprig ignored her too invested in his new finding, "Whoa! Guys, look what I found. I think it's an entry ticket for the Bizarre Bazaar." Sprig proceeded to pull out a weird red glowing egg, something about the egg was off-putting to (Y/N) but she couldn't understand why.

Everything Changes Marcy x ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin