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(Y/N) jumped off the snail before fixing herself while staring in admiration at the gated city ahead of her. She was wearing her goggles, a black mask over her mouth and nose, and covered the rest of herself with her cloak. "Thanks for the ride, Alan Dracula," (Y/N) said as she pets the wild snail. She then went into the pouch that 'Steve' gave her before reaching into the bottom grabbing the last of her food, hearing a crumbling sound as she took the fruit out. (Y/N) gave the snail the food before reaching into the pouch again. She pulled out an envelope that was signed in her name and a broken shell waxed seal.

Aww, 'Steve' must've made this, she giggled at the thought of him. I'll save this for when I finish my mission as an award. She took her bag out and stuffed the letter inside before pulling out a pair of shell-made binoculars. She pushed her goggles over her head and then looked into the pair. She examined the castle taking note of a couple lazing around guards watching outside the gate.

I could take them down, but it would cause too much attention and work, my best bet would be to just play it cool and act like a tourist

She put the goggles away before adjusting her bag. "Alright here we go," she said as she slides down into the water. She mentally complained about her wet shoes and socks until she finally reached the gate. She put both hands next to her door and then shouted, "Hey, can you open the gate for me"

"Sorry didn't see you there," One of the newts said.

Well, that was easy, I guess they don't discriminate here

(Y/N) watched while they opened the heavy gate before being faced with the glorious city that is known as Newtopia. (Y/N) walked around a bit getting weird stares from people due to her getting up after a while she just took off her hood and mask. After a while of listening to people's conversations and not hearing much about the chief, she got bored and went into a cafe to rest. She sat at the back drinking a medium cup of bugaccino, she felt like it was reasonable since she couldn't sleep for two days straight.

Wow this thing just hits you all at once doesn't it, she stared impressively at the cup. I wonder if I could make money selling these, father would be totally impressed. Wait what do I mean father, she tightens her hold on the cup. He isn't here (Y/N) why are you still thinking of him?

(Y/N) groaned before resting her head on the table, upset at the fact that through all this time he was still in her head reminding her of her worth. "I am enjoying how the new sewage system has turned out," she heard a frog say from a few tables in front of her.

Her ears perked up, but she remained down on the table, as a way to not seem nosy. "Yes, that new chief sure knows what they are doing who would've thought those garbage-eating crocs would solve overflowing garbage," said the other party causing them both to laugh. "I wonder if we could sell some back home" (Y/N) whispered to herself only to get up and slap both cheeks realizing her mistake again. The noise caused her to gain a couple of questionable stares from the people around her. "Oh sorry," she said as she hid her head in the hood. Feeling her face burn up she tried to cover her growing red face, putting the mask over her mouth. The newts all went back to their coffee and conversations ignoring the weird girl.

Ughhh that was so embarrassing but now thinking about it I doubt it from how much garbage there is on earth, they'll probably get diabetes before they could eat it all plus the death cases would be nasty, she quietly snorts. Gosh can't believe I almost miscalculated that good thing cause death cases are always the hardest to cover up

She heard a ding from the door, turning her head to a newt dressed in a faded gray hooded cape, complete with a white-furred collar which is held together with a brown shell. They were nose-deep in a journal they were writing. Haha reminds me of Marcy, she thought watching the newt stand in front of the cashier before they handed her a cup of coffee. "Here you go chief have a good day now," the cashier said waving at the newt as they exited. Wait that's the chief, (Y/N) then got up from her table throwing out her cup before following behind the book-indulged newt. (Y/N)'s footsteps remained silent as she picked up her pace, watching as she waited for an alley. She took the beetle pinned on her cloak before hiding it in her blade. A click was made signaling to her that the blade was out.

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