Chapter 43 | Project Orochi?

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---One Week Later---

---Enterprise Pov---

"...No matter what you throw at this Concrete Island, you will never! Destroy it! Nor Sink it! Which is why it's such a valued training method. Powered by a Shattered Wisdom Cube's power. The Concrete Island controls it's own guns and fires back at those who engage it. So we like to let our sailors and Azured Ships get combat experience and training against it!" New Jersey explains to Bayern who was only here for a few days to test and see if it was possible for him to take control of unmanned warships, we can't Azur from a shortage of Wisdom Cubes. He'd asked why Neveda and Oklahoma where firing on and combatting with a Concrete Island armed with Cannons of a battleship and shaped as one. "You're telling me that it's unsinkable?" He asks with great skepticism. With her hands on her hips like a superhero she cheerfully response without a hint of doubt. "YEP! I couldn't even sink it! But you're welcome to try if you'd like before we continue!" She offers to him. I glare back at Bayern's guns and see how large they are compared to New Jersey. He glares back at the concrete battleship and huffs. "I'll sink it in one salvo" He states.

"I wouldn't underestimate that Island!" Cleveland warns him... Since it can shoot back and is armed with twin barreled 406mm Cannons. "Not scared of a oversized block of concrete!" He assures her whilst walking towards the island. New Jersey whistle to Neveda and Oklahoma and gestures to back away and give him room. "He's got a bit of a ego on him doesn't he..." New Jersey states making a observation to me and Cleveland. Memories of the battle with him express in my mind and replay like it was yesterday. I Never got to see his true strength before I sunk him in that battle... Now was a good chance to see what I would have been up against had he gotten the chance to unleash his power. "You have to fire a gun in its direction to get it's attention!!!" New Jersey informs him before he began. Firing a single 105mm cannon at the island that slams into the concrete island, only to harmlessly bounce off without leaving a scratch let alone a dent. The Islands turrets take notice, and begin to swing and point towards Bayern who walks slowly towards it, not making any attempt to avoid the aiming turrets. "Isn't he going to avoid the guns?" Cleveland asks with great worry. "I'd hope so! Those aren't guns to sneeze at! I mean... I'd know I have the same size cannons..." New Jersey comments. The turrets take aim and prepare to fire...

"Fire at me you ugly son of a bitch!" Bayern booms at the island taunting it

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"Fire at me you ugly son of a bitch!" Bayern booms at the island taunting it. Having a shattered Wisdom cube it was alive, and able to hear the taunting. Firing it's guns unleashing a salvo at Bayern. Who dashes head on at the incoming shells. As the first shell arrives, he leap and races atop it, only to leap to the next and to repeat the process until landing atop the final shell and lunging through the air straight at the island whilst pointing his Dragon rigging down at the deck of the battleship shaped Island along with his four-twin barreled 480mm turrets, and his 12, 150mm Cannons along with the 16 105mm cannons at the island. "Ruhe in der Hölle! (Rest in Hell!)" He booms with a intimidating tone of fearsome authority over the seas. Followed by unleashing all his guns, and a twin barreled 1000mm set of shells out his dragon's jaw onto the island. We all watch in utter horror as the shells don't bounce off the concrete armor. Every 480mm shell pierces, and both the 1000mm shells pierce. Whilst the remaining shells spun against the concrete deck trying desperately to pierce, seconds later a chaotic explosion erupts sending a white concrete dust mushroom cloud out around it. The shockwave of the explosion sends Bayern flying violently back towards us... The explosion was the size of a 8000kg bomb going off strong enough to flatten a whole town! (Not to be mistaken for a city mind you it wasn't a nuke :D)

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