Chapter 42 | The Great Operation Plan

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---One Month Later---

---Bayern Pov---

"I'm telling you! Unless we get Sakura Empire and Sardegna Empire to join us in the fight against the sirens we won't hold a candle to the siren forces, we can't possibly strike their main factories without bigger numbers! We need more Battleships, More Destroyers! More Cruisers, More Aircraft Carriers more EVERYTHING in order to stand a chance again those sirens defending their factories!" Hornet explains to Queen Elizibeth who was protesting the idea of accepting or seeking help from yet another member of Crimson Axis. "Why I'd never! Consider the idea of teaming with such a ruthless enemy such as Sakura Empire NOR Sardegna Empire, their way of fighting, and honor system is completely flawed! I will never allow my nation to rely on a crimson Axis nation!" Elizibeth states. I choose not to pay much mind to them, looking out a window my hand over my mouth in a thinking fashion. "Roon's been acting really strange this week... She's been eating a lot more than usual... Getting sick pretty often too... I wonder if I got her pregnant." I ponder to myself.

"Yet you accepted the help of Iron Blood assistance..." Cleveland comments with her arms crossed and seeming smug about it. "I'd hardly call it Iron Blood assistance; the nation fell if you remember. They are but ships without a nation to serve. Their but wild Warships. As far as I'm concerned, they aren't of any nation." Elizibeth explains herself and ideals on Roon, Zeppy, and I being in this nation's navy. "I wonder if it'll be a boy or a girl... I wonder if she'll have me name it... God... With how insane she is... and how near the edge I am... I can't image what kind of monster we'll bring into the world... Maybe I should stop into town and get a ring for her... Just incase... Ah don't get ahead of yourself Bayern..." I think to myself completely disconnected from the conversation around me, now completely zoned out and no longer listening to the conversation. A few minutes pass before someone says my name drawling me back into the conversation. I glance towards Hornet having heard my name. "Bayern, you had the ability to control a fleet of warships right?" She asks me with a look of making a point to her fellow warships. "Until you two sunk them... What about it." I answer, making damn sure to remind her and Cleveland about their actions against my beloved fleet. She looks to Elizibeth and gives a smug look crossing her arms and leaning back.

"This doesn't prove anything, just because he could control a fleet of Iron Blood WWI warships doesn't mean he can control a fleet of just any nations ships!" Elizibeth snarls in a professional voice. "Well, cant we just have Eagle Submarines refloat his own fleet? I mean we need more warships right? That would bolster our numbers by just enough to take the fight to the sirens without enlisting help from other nations outside the alliance right!?" Cleveland suggests as I take immediate interest in the conversation, and slightly lift and turn my head from my hand.

 "Well, cant we just have Eagle Submarines refloat his own fleet? I mean we need more warships right? That would bolster our numbers by just enough to take the fight to the sirens without enlisting help from other nations outside the alliance righ...

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"Tsk... I don't like the idea of giving a Iron Blood warship a whole fleet to control and have docked up in my harbors." Elizibeth expresses her displeasure of the idea. "Why, are you scared I'll squash your fleet and take over the nation? I hate to tell it to you, but I think we all know that the enemy here isn't each other... at least not anymore, but the Sirens!" I tell Elizibeth making commonsense reminded to her, and that I expressed no intent in betraying Azur Lane with the threat of Sirens around. She tsked out in annoyance aware I wasn't telling a lie, it was painfully obvious to her I was on their side... and that burned her up inside... Because where meant to be enemies... My nation made us so before it fell. "How do we know his fleet will be strong enough to make the difference against the sirens! They're not even azured warships! Not to mention Great War Ships! Some are even Pre dreadnoughts!" Elizibeth protests with a good point. "We can always see if he can control other ships within that fleet... We have unazured warships that we can't Azur due to a wisdom cube shortage... I know your nation does too... if we can fight with those ships without putting sailors lives in danger, then we can take the fight to the sirens with sufficient fire power!" She explains, as she finished, I think of a ship that saved me from Observers Simulation... "Royal Fortune..." I think inside my head, considering trying to find her and enlist her help to us. Elizibeth snarls looking at me forcefully angered. "If we raise your fleet and lend you our warships for your control! You'd better not dare turn on us! Or we'll make sure you regret it!" She scolds towards me. I grin at her with a partly untrustworthy look, almost looking like a fox in the moment. "I wouldn't dream of it."

---85 Minutes Later---

Walking through the front door I shout through the house casually. "I'm back!" I call out to Zeppy and Roon. "Okay!!!" Zeppy shouts from her room cheerfully. "How'd the Meeting go?" Roon asks from the living room. "Pretty good... They're going to raise my fleet they sunk and bring them to port for repairs... And apparently, I'll be controlling my own fleet atop a fleet of unazured Royal Navy and Eagle Union warships of different sizes and classes into a battle with the two nations against siren factories along the French and Iron Blood coastline." I explain casually whilst walking through the hallway and into the living room doorway. "I don't think they realize just how strong you are Bayern... Giving you such a fleet will make you... How should I put this... The terror of the 7 seas." She comments. I huff amused by that. "I'm strong... But like you we both have our limits... When we strike their factories, they will be sending everything they have at us. I don't doubt I'd get overwhelmed on my own." I explain she gives me a look that told she had news of her own. She gives a pleasant smile as I give a look that told I knew something was on her mind for the telling. "Where having a child in 8 months Bayern~" She tells me whilst leaning over the coffee table and slamming a hand atop it cracking it all through out. "I believe you owe me a ring and a wedding~" She scarily calm natured tells of me, and with a smile, but her eyes told me of murderous intent if I refused the request. But at the same time expressing a blush of embarrassment to wanting this... I think even she didn't think things would go this far this fast.

My eyes stare back, and I give a completely insane look of excitement for what she'd just said

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My eyes stare back, and I give a completely insane look of excitement for what she'd just said. "OH really? I never realized I'd owe you that much! Guess it's a good thing I was prepared~" I speak with a scarily calm tone considering the crazy look in my eyes. I pulled out a boxed ring from out my pocket and stepped towards her she stared at the box with a heavier blush, likely not expecting I'd have one on hand. She giggles with crazed enjoyment. "Oh~ When did you plan to propose!?" She asks with interest standing up from the coffee table as I got on a knee in front of her. "During Naval Training today" I answered... (They train a lot together) Changing my mood to passive and heart filled with insane lust and love in my eyes I look up to her and open the box revealing the ring to her. "Will you marry me Roon, The witch of the Baltic Sea?" I ask upon her in a noble knight's presentation of voice. She takes the ring from the box and smiles with zero sanity whilst her eyes glowed burnt Orange. "I will Bayern... Dragon of the English Channel!" She answers slipping the wrong onto her ring finger, followed by grabbing me by the shirt and yanking me atop my feet then atop her as she pulled me atop her and fell back atop the couch locking her lips with mine.

---End Of Chapter 43---

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