Chapter 41 | Getting Busy

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---Story Arc: Dragon & The Witch---

---Three Weeks Later---

---Zeppy Pov---

I walk through the hallway rubbing my eye gently, I smell the fresh scent of Soup of some kind, and it smells rather good. I was surprise Bayern was back from his mission... and to be up cooking this early... I walk into the kitchen and to my surprise I don't find Bayern to be the one cooking. Instead, I see the Baltic Witch herself, KMS Roon... I blush lightly assuming she was in relations with my big brother Romantically... seeing as she was here... and cooking in our little house. "Oh! Zeppy, I didn't hear you come in. Come, take a seat, foods almost ready." She cheered happily whilst looking back with a big smile. The Baltic Witch survived the destruction of our navy and it's nation too! I should of known that she'd survive though, if any of us would survive it would be her. she's a fearsome ship from what momma talks of her. I climb into a seat and look towards her watching her prepare the food with surprise. It looked like she was really good at cooking. She seemed to know what she was doing at least I'll say that. "Mrs. Roon... Do you know where my brother is?" I ask curious where he was, seeing as I hadn't seen him on my way into the kitchen.

She giggles and starts off correcting me passively. "Please, just call me Roon, I'm no Mrs. yet, I'm yet to be married silly. And your brother is sleeping on the couch. He had a long patrol last night taking his own shift and another's shift of a ship who'd gotten sick, and a rather lengthy meeting with the Royal Navy... Not to mention he stopped in to pick me up from the medical tents down in the town... I do believe he's only been able to get a few minutes of sleep." She explains to me, I give this look of surprise. "My brother sure is a busy battleship..." I think to myself amazed at how much he's done... It's weird having him protect a nation we were born to defeat. But I guess the siren threat really has forced everyone to get along... at least for now. "He really worries about you a lot you know." She tells me in a casual tone, looking to turn this into a conversation focus point. I look at her with surprise. "R-Really?" I didn't understand why. "Yep, though I believe he worries about everyone around him... Though seems he worries about you the most... Being his little sister in all. Though I believe a lot of his worry stems from the worry of his past repeating... At least that's what a lot of the Royal Navy tells me... If you don't mind me asking, what happened to Bayern that's got him so on edge?" She explains cheerfully asking and expressing a hint of curiosity whilst remaining focused on cooking.

I hesitate to tell her, but seeing as we are both Iron Blood, I find it in me to trust her with the information... But it's not like it's secret from others around the port. "My brother has lost... Everything but me in his own words. He lost everyone he's ever loved, and it continues to repeat. He fell in love with Belfast and Eugen, and took loving care towards Eugens daughter as his own there before they all three died in a surprise attack from the sirens... Then he was with Kaga back 5 years ago, and had a daughter, unfortunately Azur Lane sunk both of them. I heard him talk about how his sanity slipped away... and has yet to come back. He talks about how he's given up on peace, and feels only the lust to kill, purse revenge, and make this cruel world burn for the cruelty it dishes to him. But the only thing stopping him from snapping fully beyond the point of return, is the lust to protect me from the world he might create should he go over the deep end." I explain, she sits in silence continuing to cook. "I personally think he's tired of losing people he loves, and tired of watching his heart be ripped out from beneath him like it always has. I know he wants to have a family in peace... I've heard him talk about it in his dreams... Which is the only time I see him smile anymore..." I explain she still continues to cook and make no comment. I stare out at her and think about all the stories my father and mother told of the strength that Roon had, and the sense of being unkillable, unsinkable that she was during missions... But I also know how brutal she can be. But I also know how my parents expressed how she always had a smile on her face, and seemed like a nice happy girl outside the battlefield.

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