Chapter 13 | Goodbye... Bayern

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---Story Arc: USS Alaska---

---That Night---


Hearing voices in my sleep atop the cliff side, I hear that voice from the other day, it sounds similar to Eagle Unions Flagship Enterprise, but it's clear to me that it's not. "Wake Up Code-H" Her voice echoes in my wisdom cube. Slowly, I open my eyes, finding myself standing far from the cliffside, but now atop the water beneath the cliff, the water around me set it's self-ablaze covered with fuel and oil. My eyes slowly begin to glow neon blue as they do I hear her again. "I need you Code-H" The voice speaks again from within the flames. I begin walking towards the flames attempting to pull out my rigging, but nothing happens. realizing this I place a hand firmly on my katana blade ready to brandish it as I approach the source. "Why?" I ask bluntly, sounding almost unwilling to hear her out. "Because history is in danger, if you follow down this path you will bring the world to a new darkness. You're playing right into the Siren's plan, you will lead the world down a unforgiving path of darkness, and despair, and in the center, you will stand alone, with everyone you ever loved or cared about dead at your feet, and when it's all said and done, the sirens will take you, and break you beyond recognition... just as they did me." She speaks, I stop as a figure is seen in the flames, I tsk and express a frustrated expression, a hint of sweat beads up on the side of my head seeing who it was before me, at least their figure looked to be her... 

"Enterprise" I mutter with a clear resentment in my tone, maxed out with hatred to boot. She walks from the flames approaching me, as she comes into form, and no longer appears like the spitting image of a figure, she reveals to me she isn't exactly Enty... No, this ship looks battered, and like it's seen a war many a times in life. Her eyes glow crimson red, her hair is short and unevenly kept nor cut. She wears a cloak around her neck, and has clothes that look like Enterprise, but tattered. She lifts up a Mental Cube, taking it from her a hole beneath her clothes near her chest. "You recognize this box... do you not?" She asks of me.

I stare at it with only fearful memories and nod, noting in my head how this box looked to be filled with more data then my own of the past was, and more chaotic at that

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I stare at it with only fearful memories and nod, noting in my head how this box looked to be filled with more data then my own of the past was, and more chaotic at that. "This is a mantal cube, that they placed inside of me in another timeline, or what they call a simulation, they gave me the strength to defeat Kaga and Akagi at Pearl harbor alone... but at a cost... I went out of control and I killed my sister's... and my friends. I was forced to run, and never look back, or be scrapped and court martialed... I hated this power, and I hated all that gave me this power, a few years went by before I started to see memories of others who'd used the box prior to me... in other simulations... and through it all I noticed something... I noticed you Bayern, you where the very first person they tested this Mantal cube upon... and you where the first one to break away from it's power... the first to control it, and the first to power it up for future users... But you where also the only one who was forced to use it... not given the option to deny it like me... or the others who've used it since..." She explains, I slowly release my Katana handle, and lower my guard. I could somehow tell she meant me no harm. 

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jul 23 ⏰

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