Chapter 12 | Losing everything

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---The Next Morning---

---Bayern Pov---

Snapping my eyes open I throw up salt water from my lungs, coughing violently. I toss myself off my back atop the waters throwing up more atop the water and gaging out the water. I felt utterly horrible. Flames rage around me atop the waters, ships of the unazured style covered in holes, and hissing as there burning steel connects with the water in there sinking. I get ahold of myself and bring myself to my feet. How did I get back above the water? I don't think about it long, I look around at my surrounds and my heart suddenly drops inside my stomach at the sight. "No..." I mutter quietly as I take a step forward towards the graveyard of sinking Iron Blood Empire ships. In the center of them all laid out battered, and beat, and covered in her own blood laid Kaga. My Crimson eyes snapped dark red as I nearly stumbled over walking towards her. "N-No..." I go into a sprint, sliding atop the waters beside her and lifting her into my arms, checking her neck for a pulse. Nothing. "NONONONO! COME ON!" I lay my ear against her chest and hear nothing; her body was colder than the ocean around us... I began flooding with tears as one of my worth nightmares was being realized and lived through before me. No telling how long she'd been dead here for... but I knew there wasn't a dam thing I could do to save her now. Out of my own control I just started to scream out, I couldn't stop myself I just screamed in pain mentally I was shattered again. 

I held her in my arms whilst I tilted my head back facing the sky screaming to the heavens in pain and anger that had no end. Tears raced down my face, but soon blood began to race down from my eyes instead of blood. My body and rigging began to glow neon blue, the color of Bismarck's eyes, and so did my eyes and fatigues, slowly my rigging and shark jaws began to deform and change shape, my clothes began to do the same, and my eyes snapped the same color as Bismarck's and remained so. Quickly loosing there glow thereafter. My clothes began changing to a similar clothing style as Bismarck's, my face and it's looks change slowly to a more mature mid 20's male, and a name Plack on the chest spelling KMS H-39, Goliath. My hair changes to blonde, and My rigging changed to 4 twins barreled 406mm (40.6Cm) guns, shaped like Bismarck's and Tirpitz, my Shark jaws became one single massive jaw with a 700mm Barrel inside its jaw. The rest of my rigging looked like a 1930's to 1940's ship design. (H-39 is a battleship classified as a Super Battleship designed to be an enlarged version of Bismarck laid down in 1930 by Germany but never completed the ship would be 11 thousand tons heavier than Bismarck.) I roar at the sky instead of scream now, as my vocal's change completely to a more mature and less teenage tone, more like a mine in his mid 20's. The neon around me peals away and reveals the modern ship rigging and modern fatigues that where fit for a flagship of the modern day. I slowly stop my roar and continue to cry atop my fallen wife. In my arms, her body slowly turns to blue neon flames and begins to vanish burning away till there was nothing left. 

I grit my teeth as I look up seeing the remains of my fleet all scrap ships sinking and unable to fight another fight destined to meet the ocean floor. I spot a fleet of Eagle Union carrier-based planes in the water broken up; I stare at the Eagle Union ident cation star marking on its wing. With pure hatred in my eyes, I vow to Kaga to make them pay. "Azur Lane will pay for this Kaga... I swear it, I will make them beg for mercy!" I growl bringing myself to my feet slowly. Spotting the Katana, I'd dropped upon falling off the jet that Kaga had gifted me floating atop the water I approach it and take it out of the water. "Huh?" I notice a SOS signal beaming out in the waters, not very far from this location. I recognize the signal transmitter. Realizing this was a Iron Blood SOS, I had to snap out of my pain, and wait to morn later, I was needed. I take one last look at my sinking fleet and give a salute. Sheed one more tear and turn racing towards the source of SOS. I take notice with my new ship design I'm traveling through the waters far faster than You'd expect a ship my size to move. Not to mention my motors ran on fuel instead of steam and coal now, far more efficient it would seem so at least. I remain focused on reaching the endangered ship. Nearing the SOS location, I hear many different guns firing off in the distance of different sizes and calibers, even the rumble of aircraft fills my ears. My eyes hyper focus as I lay eyes on my nation's flagship take a shell through the chest and fall atop the water. She was the one in danger!? I grit my teeth nearly chipping my teeth, I clench my fists to tightly breaking the skin in my palm with my nails and making blood race down my fingers. 

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