Chapter 15 | When Titans Clash

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---One Week Later---

"Are you sure there even out here!? How can we trust the Swedish aren't just yanking us out here to distract us from something bigger!?" I ask Hood whilst we searched the ocean for a Bismarck Class warship and Eugen, having received intel from a Swedish warship at the Denmark straight hours ago. I was paired up with her, whilst other groups of two searched the waters spread abroad for the warship. "Perhaps they did lie... But we can't afford to let that ship slip through our grasps... If a ship that size gets out to open waters, the Iron Blood will tatter our Convoy routes and knock my nation out of the war, we are in no position to ignore this intel." Hood explains explaining the important of the situation. I tsk audibly, in my head I pray that we aren't the ones to encounter the Iron blood out here. I don't want to fight my own kind if I can help it. "Damn this fog is heavy!" I complain to make up casual conversation. She doesn't respond or comment, So I repeat it. "i said... Damn-" She interrupts me placing a finger over my mouth. "Do you see that... through the mist" She asks cautiously silent. Pointing out at two figures in the mist, Shapes... no Ships... taking form. She takes her finger off my lips and extends her rigging out taking aim at the approaching figures. 

"Guns out... I think we found them." She mutters quietly. Hesitantly I unfold my rigging and point at the figures. Stepping through the mist stood Eugen, and... Bismarck, which must have been a surprise to Hood, who believed the ship was sunk. "Bismarck-" I mumble under my breath... oddly sounding relieved in nature to see she'd maid a full recovery since I last saw her. "Hood" Bismarck growls, sounding utterly out of character, she's almost always beyond calm and collected. But here, she expressed fury in seeing Hood, and it was clear visually that she wanted to tear her head off. I glance over to Eugen and notice her staring at my rigging intensely with clear surprise. Did she recognize the riggings design over the Eagle Union Camo. "Eugen... let me fight them, I failed to avenge Kira and Bayern last battle. Allow me to do so now." She tells of her comrade stepping towards us with authority. I felt weak in the moment, unable to feel aggression towards her, not after what she'd said. I stood beside Hood with a look of confliction, my rigging was out, but my guns weren't aimed to either ship. I looked lost, like a puppy in the rain. "AZUR LANE WILL PAY FOR WHAT THEY'VE DONE!" Bismarck booms firing her massive 380mm cannons upon us. I cross my arms in front me blocking as shells slam into me, and Hood. I radio over communications we'd located the ships and transmit the location. In hopes ships would close in and kill the ships for me, instead of making me have to do the deed against my own nation.

Moments after I do, a massive storm of flames pour out of Hoods mouth, and eyes, her cannons send flames out their barrel's moments later. I widen my eyes in utter terrified shock, as I witness the first and only salvo fired from Bismarck explodes Hoods rigging, her body explodes violently and splits in two. I nearly throw up in the moment to the violent nature of the killing. Over communications ships claim to be zeroing in and will arrive in 30 minutes... can I even stay alive that long on my own!? The pride of the royal navy was just sunk in one salvo!!! I pear over my blocking arms and see Bismarck's eyes glowing crimson red back at me. A cold sweat breaks out around me, and something inside is triggered by the fear. My Mantal cube begins to pour out steam inside me, and I feel it happening again. I fight it to prevent it however I can... or at least delay it. "No... No not yet damn it!!!" I mutter antagonized with fear. Slowly Bismarck approaches me. I point my turrets at her revealing my Iron Blood 406mm prototype cannons... Cannoned designed to go on a project ship of my nation that never got completed... a ship like her... an enlarged Bismarck class. She Ignores the cannons, and their shape and continues to approach unintimidated by me. Firing a salvo at me, I feel panic wash over me. I block with my turrets this time, covering my chest and face from the shells. 

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