Chapter 30 | One Side Is Living, The Other Is Dying

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---1.2 Years Later---

---Bayern Pov---

I rest my head atop Enterprises lap laying out atop the couch relaxing, I'm beyond tired from taking care of all the kids, I'd trained with Enty, Prinzess, and Bel for two hours today, took them to and from school, took the dog for a walk around the fields, and been taking care of the little baby's whilst Bismarck, Belfast, and Eugen have been out shopping. Plus, I've gotten little to no sleep keeping the babies happy during the night so my wives can sleep peacefully. I'm starting to think I've bitten off more than I can chew. "I think this is the last kid I'm going to have if I can help it." I mumble to Enterprise, who looks down at me and giggles. "I think that's probably for the best, I doubt this house could hold another one." She admits, I huff clearly amused with the statement. "Yeah, no kidding..." I agree in a exhausted fashion. I turn slowly over facing my head towards her belly, I wrap my arms around her and hug myself against her. She places a hand atop my head and runs her fingers through my hair gently and repeatedly, looking down atop me with a loving look.

"I love you Bayern~" She says to me softly and lovely toned. "I love you too Enterprise" I make myself sound loving and not tired in the response putting a smile on her face as it came off sounding soft and gentle in nature. "Aunt Enterprise, is there anything I can do to help Dad relax?" Bel asks leaning in through the doorway, over the year she hit a growth spurt, she shot up a foot and a half in height whilst Little Eugen did the same being about a month younger then Bel, whilst Enty has only grown to 2'8 in height whilst the other two are 3'9 and 3'8. "Yeah, we'd like to help papa relax a bit if we can help just say the word!" Prinzess states leaning from the other side of the doorway into the room. Enterprise tilts her head down a bit and puts her hand under her chin thinking about it. "Hmm, Well, if you wouldn't mind keeping an eye on your baby brothers, and making sure they keep a clean diaper that'd really take the load off your father for a few hours. Think you girls are up to the job?" She asks them. They both nod with excitement!

"Of course! You can count on us!!!" Prinzess cheers, as the two race down the hallway to look after their three baby brothers. The babies being Kaiser, Me and Bismarcks Son, the youngest addition to the family. Anson, me and Belfast's son, the second youngest to the family, and Baden me and Eugen's son the oldest son but only by 4 hours, because Belfast went into labor shortly after his birth. "They really do care about you like their own father Bayern..." She tells me, though I already knew it. I nod tiredly against her. Drifting into sleep I sleep for a few hours.

---Kaga Pov---

Sitting at the table with Yamato, and Kira, we eat Tofu in silence yet again. Once again for the third day in a row Kira doesn't touch her food, picking at her food she stares at it with pain in her eyes. "Kira, what's wrong? This makes the third day you've only sat and picked at your food. Did something happen at school?" Yamato asks her worried about her. I stare at her interested to know too. She looks at him shamefully and answers. "N-No... I just-" she pauses and looks away back at her food. "N-nevermind... I'll be okay." She claims I give her a look of annoyed worry, she chose to hide her problem or feelings then tell Yamato or me what was to matter. "Kira, what's on your mind sweetie?" I ask, gently placing a hand on her shoulder to help comfort her towards telling us what the matter was. She slowly looked me in the eyes and I could see the pain in her crimson eyes.

"I-I... Miss father." She tells me, I widen my eyes for a moment, before they narrow. "But I'm right here sweetie." Yamato states, being a block head to the fact she meant Bayern. "I-I mean... My real... Father." She states with shame in her tone, and depression on her tone. "Why in the world would you be missing a deadbeat like him! He killed your aunt if you remember!" Yamato states, barely able to contain his tone enough to reframe from yelling. "But Aunt Akagi's back now... W-What if papa did what he did knowing everyone could be brought back? Maybe he really did do what was best for our nation and his own..." She offers up. I look at her with a pain in my eyes that I tried to hide. "I doubt Bayern knew bringing back the dead was possible..." I assure her. "Maybe so... But I've given it some thought mom... and it doesn't make sense for dad to turn against crimson axis out of nowhere without good reason... He wouldn't throw away his home and his remaining family just for the enemies sake." She states, I roar at her the obvious problem in her thoughts. "Bayern should have seeked revenge for us rather then turn on his nation Kira, and he would have if he loved you or I a damn bit!" I boom at her.

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