43| Opal

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Amanda's POV:

Pain. Gut-wrenching, agonizing pain. It's like nothing I've ever experienced. It only lasted one minute. 60 seconds for my entire body to crack, rearrange, and settle into my wolf form, but it felt like an eternity.

As I stood there in my wolf form, I saw the world in a new brightness. It was clear, crisp, heightened. Every strand of my fur rippled in the cool night breeze. I sniff the air and was hit with a tidal wave of my friends' scents, my mate's alluring scent, the forest, and all the natural odors sprouting around me. It was a bit overwhelming.

Hi. I've been so anxious to meet you. A voice resounds in my head. A presence is felt as if my body is no longer just mine. A shared space. Yes, we are now one. I'm Opal.

Hi Opal! I'm Amanda, you're human. Uh—your person. I—I'm sorry, I'm not really sure how to do this. I reply.

Don't worry. I've been sent to guide you. Just take a breath and we will be just fine. Opal reassures me.

I watch as Bryan inches closer to me. Opal apparently recognizes him as her mate because she's giddy and excited about him petting her. He moves slowly, giving us time and space. He's always been so thoughtful and considerate. He gets close enough for Opal to sniff his hand and a flash of my memory of when I first met Max crosses my mind. Opal licks his hand. He smiles and chuckles knowing exactly why I did it. I smile internally.

"You're beautiful beyond measure." he whispers into my ear. Opal yips with glee. Baby? Can you hear me? I hear Bryan's voice inside my head. Ugh! I still don't know how to mindlink! Feeling my frustration, Opal nods a reply. There's a brief pause before Bryan's voice once again rings in my head. Do you want to go for a run? With me and Max? Again, Opal nods yes and excitedly jumps up and circles. I see Bryan quickly go behind a tree to take off his clothes before shifting into Max. The moment I see Max, I instantly feel the love he has for Opal. A perfect pair. He runs his grey fur against her white fur. She reciprocates the action. Max walks in front and motions for us to follow. I feel a little awkward at first, since walking on four feet instead of two is very different, but I try to relinquish control and allow Opal to take over.

We enter the treeline and Max picks up the pace. We mimic his motions and try to match his speed although he has far more stamina from years of training than me, being a new wolf. Opal and Max seem to be having fun, running through the trees, nipping at each other playfully. I wish I could talk to Bryan. I will definitely have to remind him about the mindlink situation. We stop by a stream to get some water. It's starting to get late and Max makes the motion to head back to the training center.

Opal's ears suddenly perk up as low growls enter our ears. Rogues! I hear Bryan's quick message sent through the link and my anxiety spikes. I see Bryan take his defensive stance and Opal follows suit. Thank God you know what you're doing! I hear Opal giggle at my words, but she remains focused on the rogues. I begin to panic, as I've never been in a real fight, ever! Let alone a fight to the death in an unfamiliar body with little to no control! But, I refuse to leave Bryan and I will damn sure do my best to use the training I have already learned and put it to good use. These funky scoundrels are going down!

The sour smell of death increases as these shabby rogues enter from the forest. The smell of hot, ten-day old garbage they carry with them is nauseating. Bryan growls in warning, so Opal follows suit. My anger and intensity increase as the anticipation of the fight hits me. Bryan lowers his body into a crouch, readying for an attack. I see the rogues charging towards us. Bryan instantly pounces on the nearest one.

I turn my focus on the one headed in my direction. I remain patient, just like Bryan taught me. Don't rush in! Focus! Assess our opponent! I hear a crunch to my side as Bryan has defeated his enemy, but I stay tuned in on the rogue in front of me. I begin circling him as he is sizing me up. Patience is key! Show no fear or mercy! I steady my breathing. The rogue rushes forward and I use his momentum to take him down. My immediate instinct is to squash him like a bug. Opal lifts her front paw and slams it down on his neck, crushing his windpipe. Opal is proud of her first kill and stands tall, but I see Bryan rushing toward us, which means we lost focus of another attack. I scold myself and her. She inwardly nods, understanding the mistake. I'm not too mad since it's in fact our first fight. I watch Bryan T-bone the rogue and take him down without any problems. The sound of paws hitting dirt lets me know our friends have arrived. Within minutes, the threat is over.

I sigh in relief. I watch as everyone shifts back and grabs clothes from secret boxes. Bryan returns from the trees with just basketball shorts, but I haven't a clue how to shift back and, since I can't mindlink, I just stand still until someone understands. Whitney, Claudia, James, and Nick come to stand next to Bryan, but their facial expressions show they realize my predicament.

"Okay Mandy, just like we talked about. Visualize yourself back in human form. Allow your wolf to regress back into your mind. Remember to breathe!" Whitney instructs. I'm nervous. Won't I be naked if I do this? My shifting gown was torn to shreds when I shifted earlier.

"We've got a robe for you to cover up with, so no need to worry about being naked." Claudia adds. I sigh in relief. They really thought of everything. Opal nods.

I visualize my human form and slowly feel the uncomfortable rearranging of my bones. It definitely isn't as painful as the first time. After a few seconds, I transform back into my body. I feel Whitney and Claudia drape the robe around me and I stand back on my own two feet. Bryan walks toward me with so much pride and love. I'm overcome with emotions. Too many to comprehend or process after all that's happened tonight.

"I'm so fucking proud of you! Damn! You not only successfully shifted, but you fought as your wolf with no training!" he smashes his lips to mine. I wrap my arms around his neck. He releases the kiss and rests his forehead against mine.

As we catch our breath, there is applause coming from our circle of friends. We both stand, side by side, with pride and appreciation for the night. I've remained quiet throughout this whole ordeal, lost for words really as I work to control my emotions like Cora taught me. Bryan looks at me questioningly. "Baby? Are you okay? How are you feeling?" I'm slightly tickled at the first thing that comes to mind.

"I need you to teach me how to mindlink because not being able to communicate sucks!" I say exasperated. Our friends erupt with laughter and Bryan nods in agreement.

You did amazing Mandy! I'm proud to be your wolf. Opal resounds in my head.

You are the amazing one! Able to fight and protect us without training! Bish, you crushed it! Thank you! I gush with pride, but a twinge of sadness hits as I think of how Sam and Luke would have reacted to all of this. I'm brought back to college when all I wanted to do was call Bryan and I couldn't...now, it is my two best friends out of reach. Don't worry guys, we will save you.

Yes, we will be reunited soon! I won't let you down. Opal declares. I smile, knowing she will never stop until our friends are home.

As we walk back to the pack house, Bryan teaches me how to mindlink as well as how to close and block the link although he didn't really want to show me that part. I chuckle at his slight insecurity. He also explains how to push emotion through the mate bond when or if we ever have to be apart. Thinking about being away from him gives me a slight sadness. I feel him squeeze my hand in understanding.

"Don't worry, babygirl, I'm not going anywhere and now that I have you back, I'm never letting you go." he whispers in my ear. His reassurance warms me and I smile gently at him. He leans down and gives me a slight peck on the lips.

"Hey, do you think I can visit my mom later today?" Bryan looks at me confused.

"Baby, you don't need permission to visit your mom." he says still looking quizzically.

"I know, under normal conditions. Just with war coming and rogue attacks, I want to make sure it's okay. Would you come with me?" I ask shyly.

"I would be happy to escort my lady. But, let's get a few hours of shut eye first. I doubt your mom would like a 3 am wake up call."

"Oh! Very true!" forgetting the time. He laughs lowly and we head off to bed to get some much-needed rest after expending so much energy on my first shift and my first fight.

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