31| He Knows

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Amanda's POV:

I break the surface of the water just as Bryan is crashing into the pond. I laugh hysterically at our crazy actions. I suddenly feel hands on my ankles, pulling me down. I squeal before the water covers my head. Bryan swims up to me and places an underwater kiss on my lips. We both resurface laughing.

"I didn't know I was mated to a crazy woman." he laughs and splashes water my way.

"Oh! Crazy huh? I just know how to have fun!" I laugh and splash him back. We go back and forth splashing one another before he catches my hands and pulls me into an embrace. He touches his forehead to mine, causing the butterflies to flutter around my stomach.

"I want you so bad, baby. Having you here in my arms again, I never wanna let you go. I want to show you how much I love you. With every kiss, every touch of your sexy body, every experience we will have for the rest of our lives. I know we have to wait, but I want you to know how badly you drive me crazy." my breathing hitches and I stare up to see his steel grey eyes have darkened if that's even possible. I can feel his lust, his yearning. I can't help, but feel the electricity radiate across my body as I realize I want him just as much. I feel my cheeks redden. His smile widens as he leans down to kiss me. It's a gentle, sweet, and sincere kiss. When we break apart, I hear him sigh and shut his eyes, no doubt calming his wolf.

"When can we speak to the elders?" trying not to sound too eager.

"They know about our unique situation and are already researching the books as well as reaching out to colleagues around the world."

"The world?" shocked to know they are taking this situation so seriously.

"Yes. Alpha James instructed them to find out whatever they could to ensure your safety as well as provide us with any guidelines or restrictions on the mating process." I simply respond with an "oh" as I'm curious what they will find out, if anything.

"What happens if they can't find anything?" feeling my anxiety begin to rise. I want to be Bryan's mate. What happens if I can't? Will he leave and find someone else? I know I want a family with him in the future. What does the future hold for us? Bryan must feel my mind swirling as his warm arms tighten around me.

"Mandy, please look at me. I know you're anxious and worried about what they may or may not find, but please understand, regardless of what they say, I'm never letting you go. You're my gift from the Moon Goddess. I love you. We will figure out the future together." his words calm my nerves and provide me with the reassure I need.

We swim over to the side of the pond and get out to dry off. Bryan uses the blanket to wipe away the excess water. Just as we begin walking toward the pack house, several growls are heard from the treeline. Red eyes appear and the chill of fear runs down my spine. Bryan immediately positions himself in front of me and growls back in warning.

"Rogues." I hear him whisper. I see his eyes glaze over and I know his mindlinking Alpha James. The rogues stalk out from the trees with sinister looks. "Stay behind me and if I tell you to run, you run, understand?" I nod, forgetting he can't see me. I never take my eyes off of the rogues as they continue to approach us. I have my hand on Bryan's back, clinching his shirt out of fear. Bryan growls again, but the rogues don't stop. He scans the treeline for any rogue trying to flank us. Bryan goes into a defensive stance and I can feel his wolf coming to the surface. I haven't seen his wolf, Max, yet. I wonder what he looks like. I snap out of my head as this is not the time to daydream.

I notice the rogues have finally stopped except the one in the middle. They look ragged and mangy, their foul stench floating through the breeze. It's nauseating. I try to block it out, but the smell is horrid and hangs thick in the air. The lead rogue drops something on the ground and takes a few feet backwards. Bryan looks at the item and then back at me, confused. Before moving, Bryan snaps his eyes as the sound of paws hitting ground alerts him that Alpha James, Gamma Nick, former Alpha Xavier, Sam, Luke, and several warriors have arrived to assist. The rogues look visibly shaken and begin to back away from the group.

I let out a sigh of relief, but I don't release my grip on Bryan's shirt. I look at Sam and Luke with their faces set like stone. It's weird to see my best friends with such a stoic expression when I'm so used to their lightheartedness.

"Get them. Leave one alive for interrogation." Alpha James orders. Sam, Luke, and the rest of the warriors take off after the retreating rogues. I immediately hear the crushing of bones and howls of pain. I scrunch my face and cover my ears. Bryan turns to hold me close. I notice when the warriors and my best friends return, they have one rogue in custody. I bury my head into Bryan's chest.

"That was so scary." I say, my voice muffled by his shirt.

"I'm so sorry you had to hear all of that. Are you okay?" he asks in earnest. I don't respond until I hear a gasp from Alpha James. He went over to inspect the item dropped by the rogues.

"They know. Marcus knows," he says blankly.

"Knows what?" I question as the fear rises within my chest.

"He knows you're Michael's daughter and we've been protecting you," he reveals as he rolls over the package. It is a plain black box with words written in blood: As the wind blows and the mind loses its control, you will bring a new set of powers in just ten days' time. See you soon.

I feel my body begin to shake as Alpha James finishes reading the note. He knows! And he already assumes I will have powers like my father. What if I don't? Or worse, what if I do? What will he try to do to me?

Bryan pulls me tighter to him. His eyebrows furrow and his jaw clenches. His eyes squeeze shut trying to control both he and Max's anger. I bury my face into his chest again and after a few moments of silence, I hear his breathing even out and his tense muscles begin to relax.

"No one. And I mean, no one will lay a finger on you." Bryan says coldly, more to himself than to anyone standing around us. Another set of arms wraps me and Bryan up.

"I'm with Bryan!" Sam states sternly. And then another set of arms joins hers.

"Me, too!" Luke confirms. For the first time in several minutes, I feel safe and secure in the arms of those I love. Unfortunately, their werewolf strength is cutting off my air way.

"Can't...breathe." I manage to breathe out.

"Oh! Sorry Mandy!" Sam and Luke let go and take a step back. Bryan loosens his grip, too. We stand awkwardly in silence, all of us remembering what just happened.

"Beta Bryan, Sam, and Luke. My office. We've got to get a plan together and we only have ten days to do it. I've already mindlinked Elder Erik and Elder Sarah to join us. The rest of the Elders are at a conference overseas and will be back this weekend. Amanda, I know this directly affects you, but I need you to go with Whitney and Claudia to start training." Alpha James orders.

"Training?" I ask, but the group has already turned to walk toward the pack house and Alpha James' office. I couldn't help, but feel ignored once again. Shouldn't I have a say in the plan? It is my life we're talking about! And what kind of training is Alpha James talking about? I'm just a human. I can't fight off werewolves or rogues. Can I? I'm brought out of my thoughts by two sets of arms interlocking with my arms. Whitney and Claudia flank each side, both with worried looks on their faces. I relish in their presence.

"Let's go. So little time and so much to do," Whitney states. "Don't worry. Mandy, I'll explain what we're doing, but not here, not out in the open. I'm holding true to our new no secrets policy, but timing is everything." she continues as we begin down the path to the training grounds. I guess I'm left with no choice, but learning self-defense can't hurt, right?

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