1| Breakaway

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Amanda's POV

"Deep breaths, Amanda, deep breaths...this rollercoaster ride is almost over." I whisper to myself. I take a deep breath in and let it out slowly as I sit in my yellow Jeep wrangler staring at the front door of Hillcrest High School, which stands tall with its dark red bricks and slender windows surrounded by foothills and tall pines. "Last year, you got this! Then, we can begin our greatest adventure....college!"

Don't get me wrong, my high school has great teachers, lots of programs, and plenty of interesting people, but I've been sort of an outcast for most of my educational career. I'm not bullied per se, but mainly, ignored. I'm not deformed or anything! If anything, I would consider myself a plain Jane with a bubbly personality and several talents that bring notoriety, but does little to affect how most people interact with me. I guess I've grown accustomed to being invisible and unnoticed, except when it comes to singing and swimming. That should make me a part of the "cool" kids, right? Nah. Most of the jocks are pretty tight knit and keep their distance from me. Even my own teammates. Again, they will congratulate me on a well swam race, but the conversation dies there. For the most part, I shrug it off and focus on myself, my close friends, and, of course, my mom.

My mom and I have lived in this little town in North Georgia settled around the base of The Blue Ridge Mountains since I was around 8 or 9. Honestly, those couple of years were a bit of a blur. It's a beautiful town with lots of scenery, but for the most part, secluded and quiet, which I love, since I prefer the countryside to the city.

My mom, Amelia, is the best mom in the world and works extremely hard to provide a comfortable and protected home. Sometimes, she might be a little too protective. She is a wonderful chef and works for the Mayor's office. She is basically the go-to caterer in the area and is constantly cooking for big wigs, corporate events, and huge parties thrown by the mayor. I'm so proud of her accomplishments, especially raising a teenage girl on her own. Sadly, my father was killed when I was almost 9. I still have very fond memories of him, but no one will talk about his death. When I used to ask my mother about it, she would get all misty-eyed and say it's the one story she can't bare to tell. I felt horrible about asking every time, so eventually, I just assumed it was a tragic accident that left her broken hearted. Not wanting to cause her any more pain, I just dropped it even though I really wanted to know.

This year has started quite like any other. I walk through the doors of Hillcrest, silently passing by the other students unnoticed, most of whom barely acknowledge my existence. I head to my locker when I see my two best friends, Samantha and Luke, walking towards me. They have been together for over a year now and they are so cute! And even though they are dating, they have never made me feel like a third wheel. I love them for that!

"What's up guys?! I missed you over break! How was your training camp?" I said excitedly. I wasn't able to hang out with them for much of the summer since they were both sent to some training camp this year. They didn't tell me many details, but they did call a few times and even wrote to me, which I thought was super sweet!

"Ugh! It was so brutal! Between the Georgia heat and the 3-a-day workouts! I think I died a few times!" Samantha raves.

"And what was this training for again?" I questioned with a chuckle. Before answering, Samantha and Luke give each other a side glance. "Let me guess...you can't tell me?! I'm starting to think you guys are in some secret society or the CIA!" I laughed.

Nervously, Luke responded "No, no, nothing like that." I give him a suspicious smirk, but know there are some things he and Sam will never share.

"Ok then! I'm not gonna give you guys the 3rd degree. I'm just glad your back! Missed you guys. Anywho, we better get to class or Ms. Beecher will skin us alive and feed us to the wolves." I said jokingly. Again, Sam and Luke give a side eye before laughing along with me.

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