23| Questions

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Amanda's POV:

I can no longer contain my emotions. Shaking my head "No, no, nope! I can't take anymore. I need to go. I need to get out of here." I grab my keys and sprint out the door before anyone can grab me. I race down the stairs as I refuse to wait for the elevator, not that I had the patience for it anyway. I jump into my Jeep as the rain pours down over my skin as I peel out of the parking lot. I crank the radio to cover the sounds of my sobs.

I knew exactly where I was heading....the beach. I needed the water, the salt, the sand. Somehow, I make it there without crashing.

I slide my hands to the top of the steering wheel and lower my forehead over them. I let out a deep sob. So much to process. My entire world is now....different. Everything I thought I knew was wrong. My entire life has been a lie. So many secrets.

What do I do now? How do I even begin to make sense of all this new information? My mom is not a liar, but werewolves? Packs? Alphas? Betas? What the fuck?! Sam and Luke didn't discredit her either. Did they know the truth this whole time? Are they—werewolves? I snap back to reality at this last thought. I stare at the horizon and listen to the tide rolling in.

Sighing....I open my door and step out onto the sand. I remove my sandals and find a spot at the edge of the water. The rain that was pouring down dissipates to a light mist as I slowly breathe in the salty air and begin to relax. My hand finds my father's pendant and rubs it. I close my eyes and allow the soothing sounds of the waves to enter my soul. Father, tell me what to believe. Did you sacrifice yourself for us? Is this all real? Is Bryan innocent? I open my eyes and continue to take in the majestic scene. The orange rays of the setting sun create a striking contrast to the various shades of blue in the ocean. The melodic rhythm of waves and warm salty air engulf me.

It doesn't take long for me to realize I'm no longer alone. I'm flanked by Luke on my right and Sam on my left. Both wrap me in loving arms. If I hadn't already cried out all of my tears, I probably would have started again. They sit next to me quietly until my curiosity gets the best of me.

"So are you two..." my voice trails before I can bring myself to finish the question. They both blurt out explanations at the same time.

"We've wanted to tell you for so long!" Sam's voice desperate. I think a part of her thought I would disown her. As if!

"We didn't keep it from you to hurt you, Mandy." Luke explains. Deep down I knew this was the truth. I glance down at my toes in the sand. I finally look back out across the water and respond.

"I know. It's just a lot to take in." I sigh as tears threaten to leave my already red and puffy eyes. So many pieces of information to link together. So many questions. I take a deep breath before Sam begins again.

"Just remember you're not allowed to be mad at us for too long! I mean, I know we deserve it, but we are still your besties and you only get an hour! Per our predetermined rules of best friendship!"

I chuckle at her desperation. They already know I can't stay mad at them for long. But, I did want full disclosure. The days of being kept in the dark are over. I want the whole story, nothing, but the truth, whether it's difficult to believe, or not. I wanted, no, needed to hear everything.

"You guys know I can't stay mad at you for too long. I won't even say I'm mad because, honestly, I'm not. I'm hurt, if anything, but understand you had good intentions. I just—I just can't be left out anymore. It sucks. It sucks so bad!" Another round of tears begins to fall. Before either of them could say a word, I continued. "Am I untrustworthy with information? Did you guys think I would run for the hills? My mother is human and everyone trusts and loves her. Why am I so different? Why did I have to live a life of being ignored? I hated being invisible! The best times of my life were when I was finally accepted into our friend group. With you guys, Whitney, James, Claudia, Nick, and...and yes, even Bryan. Oh god! I'm such a horrible person for the things I said to him. How poorly I treated him! He must hate me now. I just left after screaming at him." I break down, covering my face with my hands. Sam and Luke again pull me into a warm embrace.

"First, Bryan does not hate you. If anything, he hates himself for what he thinks he did. He still doesn't know the truth. Two, we understand our approach to protecting you was shit! We should have trusted you just as we did your mom, but we were trying to also give you as close to a normal upbringing as possible because that's what your mom wanted for you." Luke explains. Oh god! Bryan doesn't even know the truth!

"Someone has to tell Bryan. Luke, can't you just let him know, make him understand he's innocent? He can't continue to harbor this guilt. It's just wrong." I ask weakly.

"I think this information is better suited coming from someone else," he deadpans. I stare at him wide-eyed. Can I do this? Can I actually see him again? Everything is different now. The truth isn't the truth and now, he needs to know. I'm so confused and have so many questions that need to be answered.

"Honey, I can see the millions of questions flying around your head and I promise we will answer them. Then, we can discuss the future. For now, I just need you to calm down and breathe before you pass out." Sam states calmly. I nod and try to breathe in through my nose and out through my mouth several times until my heart rate decreases a little.

"So, what happens now?" I inquire, feeling more like myself. I don't even know where to begin. And, like Sam said, I still have a million questions. She knows me so well.

"Now, we go get ice cream, duh!" she says in all seriousness. I look at her pleading face and smile. I can't help, but chuckle at her facial expression.

"Yeah, I could go for a rocky road waffle cone right about now. Let's go!" We get up from the sandy beach and dust off our clothes. I slip into Luke's truck and he drives down Beach Front Ave to the nearest ice cream shop.

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