30| Explanations

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Bryan's POV:

I ended up staying the night in Amanda's room and I'm not going to lie...it was the best sleep of my life. Breathing in her scent and having her in my arms was pure bliss. I hated to leave her so early in the morning, but my drive to fulfill the Moon Goddess's mission and ensure Mandy's protection, I needed to increase my training. Before leaving, I write a quick note to my still sound asleep beautiful mate.

Dear Mandy,

I had to go to training early this morning. I'll be back at lunchtime so we can eat and I can show you around the pack. I promise to answer any of those million questions I know you have swirling around in that beautiful head of yours.

Love, Bryan

P.S. I loved sleeping with you in my arms again.

I went back to my room to change and brush my teeth before grabbing a quick bite from the kitchen. I rush out the door to meet James and Nick at the training grounds. I must have had a goofy grin on my face because I am greeted by the suspicious faces of my two best friends.

"Well, someone seems happy!" Nick chimes, wiggling his eyebrows.

"I concur with your assessment, Nick. The question is why? Hhhmmm...wonder what it could be?" James asks, lifting one eyebrow and smirking awaiting my answer. I laugh at them both and shake my head.

"Nothing happened. At least not what you two pervs are thinking," I retort. Both chuckle, but don't change their faces of wanting to know what did happen. "After the bonfire, I dropped her off at her room, as difficult as it was for me to do. But, I didn't want her to feel pressured to sleep in my room, especially with everything that was revealed last night. We said our good nights and went into our separate rooms. But, a few hours later, I'm awoken to the sweetest melody floating around my room. She was on her balcony writing and singing, apparently unable to sleep. So, I joined her, we talked for a while, and when she looked sleepy again, I tucked her into bed." I pause momentarily and glance at two disappointed faces. "Don't worry, I'm not finished." I interject. James and Nick glance at each other and smile, then turn their faces back to me. "As I was about to leave and go back to my room, she grabbed my wrist and asked me to stay with her until she fell asleep. We stayed that way all night. It was the best night of sleep I've ever had." I finish with a sigh. Both Nick and James smile knowingly.

"I'm so happy for you dude!" Nick cheers.

"Yeah, me too! Plus, if you continued to sulk around the pack any longer, I was going to take you out back and put you out of your misery." James says jokingly. "But, seriously, I am really happy she's back. She's a perfect mate for you, dude." James slaps a hand on my shoulder. I nod, thinking about her being wrapped in my arms. I shake my thoughts away with the realization of why we are at the training center crashes into my head.

"Okay, as much as I would love to revel in my mate, we've got to kick our training into high gear. We only have two weeks until Amanda's birthday and according to her mom's story during the meeting, things may change for her. Nothing is set in stone, but I want to be prepared for anything Marcus, or anyone for that matter, comes our way." I explain heading toward the bleachers to set my stuff down.

"Why the sudden ramp up though?" James eyeing me suspiciously. "Our warriors are the best and can easily take down Marcus and his goons. It's like you know something we don't." his eyes stare at my back. I feel his Alpha aura rolling off of him. I've never lied to him, ever. But, I know deep down this isn't the right time to reveal the Moon Goddess's plan.

"Alpha, four years ago, I watched the love of my life walk away with no plans on coming back. She was crushed by my confession. Today, she's back and I will do everything in my power to keep her, and this pack, safe from any danger coming our way. Please. I need you to support me in this." I plead with him, knowing he will always have my back. His expression softens and a smile appears on his face.

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