5| Homecoming

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Amanda's POV:

It's homecoming week! As much as I have dreaded this week in previous years, I'm actually looking forward to the festivities and, yes, even the game. Bryan seems to have chilled a little since our "friends" conversation although he's still in all of my classes, excluding gym where he's required to take some class related to football. Yes, he even joined the chorus. He's actually a better singer than he leads on or at least he can harmonize. He looked relatively shocked when I took a solo part in a song the choir was working on. I guess he didn't realize I could sing. He's jaw was practically on the floor. I chuckle at the memory.

Throughout the week, we dressed up tacky, dressed up as senior citizens, and dressed up as our favorite character. Of course, I decided to be Luna, from the Harry Potter series. Crazy glasses and all! For some reason, Bryan thought we should match, so he decided to be Harry. He did make a cute Harry Potter if I do say so myself. Sam and Luke decided to be Fred and Wilma from The Flintstones. They were adorable! You could tell Luke was just doing it to make Sam happy. Talk about relationship goals! After career day yesterday, it is finally Friday and everyone has donned something with our school logo or colors. I decided to wear my grey swim pullover which reads Hillcrest Timberwolves across the front in blue and gold.

"Yo bish! You ready?" Sam yells down the hall.

"Yes ma'am! Let me just drop off these books and we can go grab some food before the game." I respond. As I open my locker door, I see a card tucked inside. I quickly put it in my pocket before Sam notices. Wonder who that's from? Secret admirer? Creepy stalker? Before I fall into a deeper daydream, I slam my locker shut and link arms with Sam. Since Luke is also on the football team, they have to meet at the field house right after school. He mocks his coach's words of "the team needs to get their heads right for the game." Makes sense to me since I do the same thing before a race.

Sam and I decide to go to the local diner for burgers and milkshakes. It's good to have some girl time.

"I'm so glad you decided to come tonight. As much as I love football, I hate sitting in the stands alone," Sam confesses.

"Sam, you have tons of friends, I seriously doubt you would be sitting alone!" I chuckle.

"You'd be surprised. Besides, you're my best friend and, for the first time, I get to enjoy Homecoming with you! Aren't you excited?" She smiles at me.

"I am..." my voice trails off.

"Why do I feel a "but" needs to be added to the end of your sentence?" she stares at me knowing there's more to my sentence. Our waitress brings our food and milkshakes, but before I can dig in, Sam waits for my response. I sigh, knowing she's not going to let up.

"I've had so much fun this week, but a part of me feels like it was empty." I reveal.

"What do you mean by empty?" Sam's eyes show clear confusion.

"The idea of homecoming is to celebrate and create memories and I did that with you and Luke and even Bryan, but the rest of the school still doesn't even bat an eye in my direction. It kind of makes it seem pointless to try when the people around you act as though you're a ghost floating on a wave through the halls of Hillcrest High School." I feel my anger rise, but take a few deep breaths. Sam's hand reaches across the table and grabs mine in hers.

"You're right. But honestly, most of the people in our high school suck and don't deserve your friendship. You can't have fun on their behalf. You have to live it up for your own!" She winks and smiles while picking up her burger and digging in. I stare at my best friend stuffing her face and realize she's right. I can't continue to worry about people who don't want to include me in their lives. It's my last year and I deserve to have fun and make memories.

After stuffing our faces, we head to her house to freshen up and change clothes since the weather is starting to cool down, not that anyone acts like it except me. I'm always cold. I decide to keep my pullover and jeans, but change my t-shirt to a blue long-sleeved shirt that hugs my curves without being too tight or too revealing. It also provides more warmth.

After we approve our outfits, Sam convinces me to wear a little makeup. Ugh! I hate it. My chapstick is just fine!

"Ppppppllllllleeeeaaassseeee! Just one time! Remember, you're supposed to be living it up your senior year!" She begs in earnest.

"Fine! Have your way with me!" I surrender.

"Ooooooo I could take that so many ways!" she wiggles her eyebrows at me. I can't help, but burst out laughing. She definitely is my best friend. She goes to work on my makeup and I repeatedly tell her to go easy on it, as I don't want to look fake or cakey. When she hands me a mirror, I'm in awe. It looks so natural, I almost tear up.

"Don't you dare ruin my hard work with tears! Suck it up buttercup! You look hot and amazing! Now let's go!" as she grabs her keys and purse off the bed.

"Okay! Let me go pee and I'll meet you downstairs." I say before making a beeline for the bathroom. While I'm in the bathroom, I remember the secret note. I open up the folded-up paper and quickly realize it's from Bryan.

Hey Amanda,

I just wanted you to know that I'm really excited that you're coming to the game tonight. I know this may sound weird, but knowing you're in the audience will be such a motivation to play my best game yet. I'll consider you my personal good luck charm. Thank you for allowing me to get to know you. I've had the best time celebrating homecoming with you. You're no longer invisible to me.


When I finish reading the note, I realize I have a smile on my face. Okay, more like a goofy grin, but I do. This note was so sweet. I repeat the last line a few times. What does he mean by that? Is Bryan interested in me? Plain Jane me? I only know one thing...I'm in trouble if he is. I rush downstairs to meet Sam waiting by the front door.

"You okay? You look a little flushed." Sam asks, with a look of concern on her face.

"I'm fine, just a little nervous. Not sure how tonight will go. You know, stepping out of my comfort zone." I explain, not revealing anything about Bryan's note.

"Uh huh. If you say so, but we need to leave so we don't miss opening kickoff!" Sam eyes my suspiciously.

"Well bestie, let's get this party started!" I laugh out loud and wrap my arm through hers as we head out the door toward the stadium.

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