13| Rogues

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Bryan's POV:

"Hey Bryan?" I hear her call from her front porch just as I'm getting into my car.

"Yeah?" I respond, not sure what she is thinking, feeling, or even where this is going. Seeing her fear broke me. I didn't mean to come across as a jerk, but I've been fighting rogues since I was ten, so battles don't phase me. I failed to realize how this would affect her. I was an idiot in that regard. I even felt her fear, but pushed it away to focus on defeating the mangy mutt of a rogue. How did they find this place? How did they invade our territory? How dare they threaten my mate!

"Call me later?" she shouts from her porch.

I couldn't suppress the smile rising on my face. "Definitely!" I shout. I watch her go into her house as I sit behind the wheel of my green Dodge charger. "Phew! My mate is amazing!" I say with a sigh of relief. I rev my car before backing out of her driveway. I race over to the pack house.

I pull up the drive and see James and Nick standing on the front porch. It's almost as if they have been awaiting my arrival. I park my car next to Nick's truck and walk toward them.

"How the hell did they find my place?" I spit angrily, not at them, but about the situation. James gives a low warning growl. "Sorry, Alpha. I'm just—" my voice trails off as I remember the scene.

"Open your eyes." I whisper and I snuggle my face until it touches hers. I wait as her eyes flutter open and she takes in the scene before her. I hear her gasp. A smile begins to form on my face, but I continue to breathe in her scent while she scans the natural beauty of this place. Her mouth hangs open in awe and her eyes go misty. She doesn't even realize I'm intently watching her reaction. I feel her heartbeat quicken and her excitement rise.

"Do you like it?" I whisper softly, finally breaking the silence between us.

"Oh, Bryan, this is the most exquisite thing I've ever seen," she exclaims without looking at me. She reaches up to wipe her eyes.

"Are you crying?" I question, trying to take in her face. She quickly covers her face and shakes her head in response. I can't stifle my laugh because her response is too cute.

"Thank you for showing me your secret spot. I completely understand why you picked it." she coos as she wraps her arms around me. I return the embrace and we stand in silence once more observing the forest around us. I wonder if she knows she's the only person I've ever brought here. Not even my best friends know about this place. I reserved it specifically for my mate. For her. She doesn't even know I found this place because of what happened all those years ago. She's going to hate me when she finds out. I'm ripped from my thoughts when I hear a twig snap and the pungent odor fills my nostrils.

"James, Nick, we've got rogues inside territory lines near Timber Falls Peak. Hurry! I'm going to hide Amanda in a tree. I can't shift in front of her! I know there's at least six of them. Sam, Luke flank left to ensure no rogues come up behind us." I mindlink the group, hoping they would get here fast enough to assist me. I include Sam and Luke in the link because they are some of the pack's best warriors and they are assigned to protect her.

"Rogues! How the fuck did they get inside our territory?" Nick screams through the link.

"We're on the way! Be sure to get Amanda to safety before shifting or engaging with the rogues. Try to keep one alive so we can interrogate them later!" James orders. I cut the link in time to hear Mandy screaming at me.

"Bryan! Bry-!" I cut her off by placing my hand over my mouth and crouching us behind a tree.

"Ssssshhhh....rogues." I whisper sternly. I realize my mistake, but that's the least of my worries at the moment. I jump into defensive mode and continue scanning the forest. I must get her to a safe hiding spot so I can shift and take these rogues out.

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