6| Butterflies

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Amanda's POV:

We finally make it to the game and there are so many people here! You can really feel the excitement and energy in the air. Sam and I find a place to sit in the bleachers. Immediately, Luke finds us and waves from the sidelines, so we wave back at him. Weird how quickly he spotted us. I then notice him doing something strange. He taps #12 on the shoulder pads and says something. I see #12 take off his helmet and turn around with a huge smile on his face. It's Bryan. I smile back as I also roll my eyes. I see him laugh, turn back around to face the field, and put his helmet back on.

"What was that all about?" Sam asks suspiciously.

"I think your boyfriend has been playing both sides." I say with a sly grin and a shake of my head.

"Why do you say that?" Sam still not fully understanding what's happening. I turn and look at her with a serious expression.

"Apparently, Luke knew I'd come with you to the game and he made sure that Bryan knew I was here. Luke is playing matchmaker!" I explain.

"Oooooohhhhhhh! That sneaky little devil! He didn't even include me! Rude!" She claims, faking mad. I laugh at her pouty face. We turn and watch the game, cheering on our team and occasionally getting sneak peaks from certain players on the sidelines. I won't lie and say I didn't get a few butterflies, but something holds me back and makes me want to be very cautious.

Even without knowing a thing about football, it didn't take me long to get into every play, every call, and every situation. I found myself following number 12 all over the field. He played wide receiver and was really, really good at out-maneuvering and out-running his defenders. It was fascinating to watch. How does he move so fast and gracefully? When the defense took the field, he would look up into the crowd and find me. It made me feel special. Can I trust this? Aren't we supposed to be just friends? Can I let Bryan in? What if this is all a dream? What if he breaks my heart? I shake the negatives and try to remember my promise to Sam. I would branch out, have fun, and go with the flow. Bryan is just a bonus. I smile as he catches my eyes once again. He gives me a quick wink before heading over to his coach.

"What?" I can feel Sam's eyes on me as she watches the exchange between Bryan and myself.

"Nothing." she tries to lie.

"Liar." I whisper and give her a side glance. She shrugs her shoulders and returns her gaze to the field.

As the game ends, I stand with Sam, waiting for Luke to exit the locker room. Our boys played phenomenally and easily brought home the victory. We could hear chanting and cheering and... growling? Yes, growls coming from the locker room. That was weird, but I guess that's just a guy thing. Finally, the sweaty and dirty players start to exit and Sam anxiously looks for Luke in the crowd. I'm half paying attention when two very muscular and very sweaty arms wrap around my body.

"Thank you so much for coming!" Bryan exclaims.

"Uh, yeah, sure." I stammer. I take in his tall frame and toned arms. He's wearing a very sexy smile and there seems to be a glimmer in his eye.

"So, the boys are throwing a victory party at James' house to celebrate the win. You wanna come?" Bryan asks. He looks at me anxiously awaiting my answer. It's at this moment I realize I have an audience of my two best friends leaning in to also hear my answer. My eyes widen a little bit as a wave of fear and anxiety wash over me. This is going beyond just the boundaries of my comfort zone and into outer space! I have to bow out gracefully.

"You know..." I hesitate as I stare at three sets of eyes staring back at me. "I'm not much of a party goer. Besides, most people won't even want me there." I manage to stumble out. I suddenly feel extremely lonely again, remembering the lack of inclusion I feel on a daily basis.

"Well, I want you there. Does that count?" I snap my eyes to his. Before I could answer, both Luke and Sam repeat what Bryan said.

"Pppppppplllllllleeeeeaaaassssseeeee!!!" Sam begs. Ugh! Here it comes! The begging and whining!

"Ugh! Alright! Please stop begging! It's so unbecoming and beneath you!" I shout, scowling at Sam.

"But it so works!" Sam says elated that I have once again been persuaded to do something outside my comfort zone. I am quickly, once again, wrapped in sweaty arms. Still shocked, I manage to lightly wrap my arms around his waist.

"Thank you! I'm gonna run home for a quick shower so I'll meet you there." Bryan states and winks at me as he takes off toward the parking lot. I stare at his retreating figure as I am once again amazed at what has just happened. As if realizing my state, Luke starts snapping his fingers in front of my face to bring me out of my daze.

"You okay?" He asks politely.

"Yeah. I'm just having a really weird year. Not bad, just weird." I turn and look at my two best friends. "Well, at least I get to hang out with you two a little longer." We all three head to Luke's house so he can take a shower and change before the party.

It's a little after ten when we pull up to the Mayor's house. The party is in full swing. We walk into a sea of people. Most speak to Sam and Luke, but disregard I'm even there. I won't lie, it stings a little, which kind of puts a damper on my mood. See! This is what I was afraid of! We make our way through the house to the backyard, which has a fire pit, lounge chairs, several swings, and a boardwalk snaking down toward a beautiful lake. My eyes are immediately drawn to the water. Luke heads to the kitchen to get us girls a drink. I don't normally drink, so I told him something light. He brings back a mixed drink for Sam and a wine cooler for me.

At some point, Sam and Luke walk back into the house to go dance. Sam is a dancing machine so I just laugh at poor Luke's face. However, now I'm feeling a little awkward and unsure what to do with myself. I don't see anyone else that I normally talk to, not that anyone talks to me besides Sam and Luke.

I decided to get up from my seat around the fire pit and follow the boardwalk down to a little pier. It juts out into the water a little and the moon is just full enough to cast a beautiful ray across the surface. As I stare out across the lake, my surroundings become quiet. I almost can't even hear the music blaring from the house. I suddenly feel tingles and realize someone has joined me on the pier. I glance over my shoulder to see a very handsome guy with the most incredible grey eyes that seem to sparkle like the water.

"I was looking for you. Sam and Luke said you were by the fire pit, but when I got there, you were gone. What are you doing down here?" He asks gently.

"Like I said, parties really aren't my thing. But I noticed this pier and thought the water looked inviting." I say shyly, turning my gaze back to the water.

"Inviting, huh?" He asks.

"If you haven't noticed, I'm a bit obsessed with water." I laugh and he laughs, too.

"I've noticed." He says as he turns to watch the water with me. "So, are you ready for swim season to start?" He asks. I look at him confused.

"How did you know I swam?" I inquire.

"I saw you at the pool, silly. You were wearing the team swimsuit." He answered confidently.

"Oh! Aren't you so smart?" I teased.

"Yes, I am" he boasts as he sticks out his chest. I laugh and shake my head. I then lean down and begin taking off my shoes. "What are you doing?" He asks confused at my actions.

"Taking off my shoes, duh!" I retort.

"Well, thank you Captain Obvious, I realize that, but why?" He jokes.

"Because I want to sit and put my feet in the water." I state simply.

"Ah! Uh, mind if I join you?" He asks shyly.

"Be my guest." As I begin to sit down, I roll my jeans up and place both feet in the cool water. I prop my arms on the railing and look out over the lake. "It's so peaceful and quiet. It's just so beautiful."

"Yes, it is." I quickly realize he's not talking about the water. I turn to look at him with blushed cheeks. "You are beautiful, Amanda."

My breath hitched in my chest and butterflies swirl in my stomach as I don't know what to say. I look down until I feel a finger under my chin, lifting my face up. I lock eyes with his and realize too late what's about to happen.

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