8| Pinky Promise

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Amanda's POV:

Over the course of the next month, I've been growing accustomed to Bryan's presence, but there's still some unspoken tensions. We've haven't discussed the Homecoming kiss, he hasn't asked me out, and he still seems a little distant. Not sure what that's about. Maybe he regrets the kiss? Maybe he is shy? Pfft...shy? One of the popular kids? Shy? I try my best not to overthink it as I remember my plan...enjoy senior year, but remain low key and unnoticed.

"Miss Young, can I see you for a second?" Mr. Randall, my choral instructor, belts out over the chorus sections practicing their parts.

"Uh, sure, what's up Mr. Randall?" I ask inquisitively.

"I noticed you didn't put your name down for one of the solo parts." He stares, waiting for my response.

"Uh...yeah, that's correct. You know- I - I just feel it would be better suited for someone else. There are plenty of better singers who would do a phenomenal job. I-" my voice trails as his stare gets more intense.

"Look, you and I both know how talented you are and you have sat in the back of the choir for three years now. It's your senior year and I was really hoping to convince you to take a solo part. It's perfect for your vocals. Ms. Bell and I both want you to sing this song." My breath hitches as I know I'm not getting out of this. "How about we make a deal?" He suggests.

"Deal, sir?" Not sure exactly what he means.

"You can stay "unnoticed", as you like to call it, for the Christmas performance, but you take the solo for the Spring Music Festival. I would also hate for this to affect your grade." He hints. Ugh! I'm dead!

"Okay...I'll do it." realizing there's no way out of this, especially since it's tradition for seniors to take these types of roles. They consider it a senior showcase.

"Perfect! I'm so excited! I'll tell Ms. Bell that we have found our soloist! We will discuss more details after Christmas break." He turns and walks to another group of students.

I walk back to my seat when I suddenly feel a presence next to me.

"So, what was that about?" Bryan asks, curiosity written on his face.

"Mr. Randall thinks I should take one of the solo parts in the Spring Festival since I'm a senior and it's customary for seniors to take those parts." I explain.

"Is that it? Makes sense to me." he says plainly. I feel my nerves and anxiety rise.

"There are better singers, Bryan. It shouldn't be based on class status." I deadpanned.

"Are you fucking serious? Mandy...you are...by far...the most talented singer I've ever heard in my life! The first time I heard you sing, I thought my heart would burst out of my chest with how pure and passionate your voice sounded." my face turned a dark red with his confession. I felt his hand cup my cheek forcing me to look into his eyes. "I could listen to you sing for the rest of my life." There was such emotion behind his grey orbs that I almost couldn't stand the intensity, but I was overcome with the feeling of pride and appreciation.

"Thank you." I managed to choke out. I watch as a smile graces his face. I break our stare as emotions swirl in my brain.

"You're welcome. Never doubt yourself again or I will be forced to remind you every single day of your life." It was a threat that made my heart flutter. I shyly tuck my hair behind my ear trying to process what just happened between us.

I walk out of chorus desperate to get to the pool. We have a meet this weekend and now, with the added stress of preparing for a solo in the Spring festival and Bryan's words ringing in my head, I need to burn off some anxiety. I enter the locker room and notice many of my teammates are already dressing out. I slip past them and head to my gym locker. As usual, they don't acknowledge me. I try not to dwell on it or let it break my focus. I've got two days until our big meet and I need to shave some time off of my butterfly heat.

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