34| Training Day

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Bryan's POV:

This was not how I planned the morning to go. It is amazing having her here in my room, in my bed, in my arms, where she belongs. I knew she would be upset about the plan to keep certain parts from certain people in order to protect the plan as a whole, but having trained alongside James and Nick, we were taught early on that people would try to manipulate or interrogate to gain valuable information. They don't care if it's your mate, your parents, your best friend. Their goal is larger than relationships. Their goal is to wreak havoc and destroy.

Alpha Marcus fits that to a tee. When he comes, he will have no mercy. He will be relentless and try to use Amanda to become the most powerful Alpha on the planet. He's vicious and ruthless. We can't let our ties to one another give him any advantage. Not with my mate's life on the line.

"There's more." I state. Her shocked face made my chest tighten. She is on an emotional rollercoaster, has been for weeks and I know how badly she wants to get off. These next nine days will be crucial and more so with my personal mission from the Moon Goddess, which I have yet to tell a soul, even Mandy.

"The plan is to lure Alpha Marcus out of hiding and find out who is helping him. By only giving people pieces of information, it will allow Alpha James, myself, and Gamma Nick to figure out who is giving up information and who they are talking to. This is in NO WAY a plan to keep you out." I pause as she closes her mouth and follows my words. "However..." her face drops. "You are not a werewolf and have never attended regular trainings as we are required to do, which is why your training had to begin immediately. Like I said earlier, I knew Whitney and Claudia could assist you with the basics: fighting stances, basic jabs, and defense maneuvers. I will take those to the next level in the coming days, especially since we have to consider your possible powers." She nods and considers my explanation. "Elder Erik and Elder Sarah also feel it's important for you to train with another elemental."

"There's others? I thought my dad was the only one!" she exclaims.

"Apparently not. There is a woman flying in from Japan who controls fire. According to the Elders, most elementals were thought to be wiped out, but if one is discovered, they are heavily guarded. Protection is key. The Elders have graciously asked her to come and train you in the event your father's powers did, in fact, pass on to you. This is why your protection is top priority. It overrides your need, or want, to be included. I don't say this to hurt your feelings, but you must see the bigger picture." I explain. I can see her conflicting thoughts.

"And what happens if I'm just a simple human with no powers and no way to fight against the werewolves threatening me?" she asks obviously annoyed at all the assumptions being made about who she "might" be.

"If you are, then Alpha Marcus will probably disappear as you have nothing to offer him. We will then complete the mating process, you will join the pack as the Beta female, and we will live happily ever after." I smile at the last thought. Or he might go on a rampage and try to kill everyone. For her sake, I leave that part out.

"Complete the mating process? I thought you said—" her whole demeanor changes instantly.

"The Elders gave us the green light. There should be no problems. They said it may even make you stronger, but I am still fine waiting until after your birthday. This is a lot and I don't want you to feel pressured into it. I will happily wait until you are ready," I state. I wrap my arms around her and pull her close. I nuzzle into her neck, taking a deep breath of her honeysuckle scent. "You are worth the wait, baby." I whisper into her neck. I again omit the possibility of her turning into a werewolf. I will get to that tidbit in a later conversation. Regardless of how much she wants to be included, I still have to take baby steps to ease her into my world.

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