29| Fact or Fiction?

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Amanda's POV:

After a long and grueling meeting and then, celebrating my homecoming, people were beginning to head home and I honestly am ready for bed. Between the packing, traveling, and every emotion under the moon, I barely have the strength to walk up one flight of stairs. Sensing my exhaustion, Bryan picks me and carries me upstairs. I chuckle into his chest as I already feel like I am dreaming. How did I get here? Back in his arms? I've missed him so much. Here feels like home.

Bryan clears his throat, bringing me out of my thoughts. He sets me down in front of Room 302. I look up at him, trying to understand what's happening.

"Since a lot has happened, I don't want to push you before you're ready. Get some sleep and if you need me, I'll be right next door." He points to his bedroom. I'm overcome by his sense of caring for me and how much I've missed him. I know he's only looking out for me, but I can sense his longing and need of me.

"Thank you, Bryan." I wrap my arms around his waist and breathe in his beautiful scent. I feel him do the same. Before I do something foolish, I release my hold on him and simply say "good night" as I walk through the door of the bedroom.

"Sweet dreams babygirl. I'll see you in the morning." He whispers as he turns toward his room.

It didn't take long for my body to be engulfed by sleep; however, it is short-lived. I begin to toss and turn. I know it's because I am so close to Bryan, but not with him. This mate thing is really trippy. I pick up my phone and see that it's 2 am. Well, I slept for four hours at least.

I decide sleep is no longer my friend and I want some relief from this room. Luckily, this room has a balcony equipped with a comfy bench. I take the duvet cover off the bed and wrap my body up before settling down on the bench. I took my journal and phone with me so I could listen to music as I write down the events from today. It didn't take long for my urge to sing to rise above a hum.

I close my eyes and allow the music to fill my soul. The melody flows through my body as the words speak to my heart. As the song ends, I realize I'm no longer alone. I see a pair of steel grey eyes watching me in admiration and awe. I feel my cheeks heat up at being caught.

"Beautiful." is all he said while staring at me. I smile. "Mind if I join you?" He asks gently. I nod.

"I'll unlock the—" I start to say before realizing he is climbing from his balcony to mine. "—door. Or not!" I say in shock. "Are you crazy?!" I whisper yell at him.

"Only for a certain someone." He smirks. Ah, he thinks he's so cute and charming. He ss, in fact, very cute and very charming. Before I have a chance to readjust, he grabs my legs and sits beneath them. I feel his hands resting on my knees and shins. I shiver...not sure if it's from the cool breeze of the evening or his close proximity. "Couldn't sleep?" he asks. I simply shake my head. I pull my hair behind my ear and close my journal. "Whatcha writing?"

"I found writing to be very therapeutic especially after graduation." I respond.

"Ah." he goes quiet and stares into the forest which seems to span for miles. I stare at him and watch his thoughts take over. I reach up and rub his cheek. He seems to snap out of his thoughts. "Sorry, I just hate all of this is happening to you. It's amazing what a difference a few days make." he says softly.

"I'm sorry, too."

"For what? You've done nothing wrong." He turns to look me in the eyes.

"Oh no? I only yelled and screamed at you like a crazy person. Left town without notice. And completely shut you out for four years of my life when all you were doing was trying to be open and honest with me. But, I guess I'm the lucky one though." I smirk.

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