28| The Whole Truth

Start from the beginning

"I thought they were extinct." James is the first to respond.

"I'm sorry, but what is an elemental?" I hear Amanda question.

"An elemental is a human with a special "talent" and their talents can range from controlling earth, wind, water, and fire," Amelia explains.

"But, you said daddy's special talent was "mind control"? That's not one of the four elements," Mandy questions.

Amelia chuckles and nods. "You've always been my brilliant babygirl. Yes, your father had a particularly special talent. When he turned 21, he discovered he could control wind elements. His parents decided to send him to get training, not only to learn about his gift, but to be in control of it." she continues.

"Which is where Trevor and I met him," Xavier interjects. "We were all participating in our perspective trainings. I was there to train as the next Alpha. Trevor was there for Beta training. And Michael was there to harness his powers, learn to control them, and for protection." Xavier states.

"Protection? Why would my father need protection?" Amanda asks. I place my hand over hers to calm her rising concerns.

"Well, unfortunately, even in our world, elementals are very rare. Like James stated earlier, many people in the supernatural world were under the understanding that elementals had been wiped out centuries ago. So, to find one, see one, and get to work with one gave a certain level of advantage amongst packs. However, not all Alphas have the best intentions. Alpha Marcus was also at camp with us." Xavier lowers his head, the memories swirling in his deep brown eyes.

"Marcus tried everything to befriend Michael, but your father confessed to Trevor and myself he felt Marcus' intentions. We decided to make a blood pact on the last evening of camp so that if something happened, Michael could call on us for safety and protection. We didn't understand Michael's powers had only started to emerge." Xavier concludes.

"You see," Amelia turns to Mandy, "your father went in search of other elementals, but what he found was me, his mate." a sad smile dons Amelia's face.

"So, are you an elemental as well?" Mandy questions. I wait for her reply.

"No, I'm a human raised in the supernatural world. I was orphaned as a child, but came to have two wonderful, loving parents. Unfortunately, my parents were a part of Alpha Marcus' pack. He was a very driven Alpha, obsessed with power. He was constantly looking for advantages over his enemies, and maybe even his allies. There's no telling how far that man will go." Amelia shakes her head.

"Eventually, he found out that Michael was mated with one of his pack members and this was the control he needed. At first, he didn't make a move and within a few years, we had you. It was then Marcus hired your father to work on some secret plans. Out of fear for you and me, he agreed. And, well, you know the rest." Amelia ends her story. Everyone is quiet. The crowded room is filled with people within themselves. The silence is deafening. So much to process, so many questions, so many emotions.

Amanda turns to me. "So why is it you think Alpha Marcus is now after me? What does my father's story have to do with me?" She questions sternly. I swallow the lump in my throat. I stand and run my hands through my hair. I'm searching for my words, when Alpha Xavier speaks.

"Well..."he staggers.

"Just tell me. No more secrets, remember?" Mandy states earnestly. Whitney gives a reassuring smile.

"Ok, it's possible...We won't know for sure until your 21st birthday, but you, my child, might also be an elemental. And if Marcus gets any whiff that you are, then you could be in danger." he explains.

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