Freshmen 22

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Hampton University
Tue. Oct. 23rd, 8:50am
"Captain Embarrassed"

"Make sure you expand the log. You do that by moving the 2 outside the logarithm." Professor Williams said as she solved the problem on the board.

Shai let out a yawn, tossing his head back on the chair. He was tired like every student in his class. Which was saying something since his class was empty besides him and five other students. No one was here. The couple of parties that had taken place did a toll on them. It took a toll on Shai as well and he was hating it. He would've been in his room, but Axel pretty much forced him to go out. He didn't mind. He was enjoying himself.

"Do you know what amore mio mean?" Dess whispered since she was in her class. Herbert's class to be specific. She knew she shouldn't be on the phone, but she didn't care. They had to stick to their schedule.

Shai kept his head leaned back. His neck was starting to hurt, but he didn't care. He needed to sleep even if it was for a minute or two.

"It means my love in Italian." He answered lowly, so he didn't interrupt his professor. Dess poked her lip out and nodded her head, impressed.

"Wow. How'd you know?" she curiously asked. She was bored in class, so she was looking up how to say certain phrases in different languages. Amore mio sounded so sophisticated and sexy to her.

"I took Italian for a foreign language back in middle school. ¿Come stai, amore mio?" he asked in Italian. The accent sounded weird since he haven't spoken it since the seventh grade, but he tried his best to pronounce every word correctly.

"What does that mean?" Dess questioned with a smile on her face. She had a feeling it was something cute since he was the one saying it. Anything he said was cute.

"I asked how are you, my love? And you can answer by saying sto bene which is I'm doing fine. Or something like that." He answered. Lifting his head up, he put his attention on his phone and saw the huge grin that was on her face.

"I am doing fine now that you said that. The Italian language sounds amazing coming out your mouth." She told him, Shai chuckled.

"Other shit sounds nice coming out my mouth as well," Shai muttered, licking his lips. Dess hummed to herself, keeping her mouth shut.

Shai chuckled, putting his hood on his head. He lowered the hood so it was over his eyes and continued staring at the screen. It became a routine nearly. Shai admiring Dess while they were on the phone. They didn't have to talk all the time for the call to be entertaining. Sometimes Shai would just stare at her while she did her work. And vice versus. Either way it didn't matter. And when they did talk, their conversations were always interesting.

"So for the remainder of the class, you can take the time to study for our test tomorrow. Midterms grades are due soon, so we need to get started on that." Professor Williams told them. There was still time left in class and since there was barely anyone here, so she decided to cut her lesson short.

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