
2.7K 177 91

From: Los Angeles, California
To: Hampton, Virginia
Departure Time: June 21st
5 hours, 12 minutes


Sean pulled his pants up and buckled his belt. The flight attendant named, Georgia, pulled her panties up and slide her skirt down. She fixed the rest of her clothes, buttoning her shirt and put her jacket back on. Sean non-verbally made sure that Georgia was alright before exiting out the bathroom. He fixed himself as he headed down the aisle back to his seat. He sat down in the tannish brown seats on the plane, letting out a deep breath.

"Oh man, you gonna tell mom about your little activity?" Sean shifted his attention to the boy that sat in the seat diagonal from him. The Sports Magazine covering his face and all Sean saw was himself on the cover.

He leaned his seat back a little, folding his hands on top of his stomach. "Your mother is already aware of my activities," he responded.

"Right. Not only do the two of you mess with others but you're still messing with each other. Ain't that something," the boy remarked, shaking his head.

"That's none of your business," Sean told him. The boy chuckled, turning the page in his magazine and continuing to read the interview Sean did five years ago.

"You know anyone else would say that it's not, but you and her quite literally put me in y'all business," he mentioned.

Sean looked at him. The magazine was lowered and he could finally see his face. The face that resembled his from the eyebrows to the face shape to the nose and lips. He couldn't deny him even if he wanted to and he didn't want to. There was no point in doing so anyway. He was his son and his name was Shamar.

Georgia walked over to the two of them, holding a tray with two drinks on it. "A Gold Rush, sir?" She asked leaning forward.

Sean thanked her, taking one of the drinks off the tray. She was about to walk off but Shamar leaned over and grabbed the second drink.

"Thank you, ma'am!" He thanked her, giving her a small head nod. Georgia pressed her lips together, looking at Sean to see if she should do something. Sean waved her away and she did just that.

"You know you're not supposed to be drinking. You're underage," he informed him, placing his drink on the small brown table beside him.

"Mom ain't here, so it doesn't matter. Right?" Shamar remarked, smirking at Sean. He awaited for Sean to take it away for him. He never did. He held his glass up to father then proceeded to drink it.

Sean shook his head, "Your mother is going to have a fit, Shamar," he mentioned.

"She ain't here. Plus, you done worse and she forgiven you for it." Shamar winked at Sean then placed his glass down along with his magazine.

"Now, I will admit flying on a private jet, enjoying some good food and drinking liquor is fucking amazing. But I'd like to know where the hell we're going?" He questioned, resting his elbow on the table.

Sean stared at him then let out a small sigh. "There's an old friend of mine that needed some assistance. He couldn't handle his team and things got wild under his supervision—"

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