Chaper 46: New year

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3 person POV

So the men had told Hazel a few days after Christmas that to bring in the new year that she was allowed to stay up past her bedtime and that they bought some sweets for everyone to have.

To say Hazel was excited was an understatement, she couldn't wait, but she did patiently and now it's finally time.

It was about midday and lunch was just being cleaned up, Hazel went to go and play while the men did some work on some new music. They really have the whole album written they just need to get a few more vocals on most of the songs. They will be doing that on tour at some point.

Hazel was playing with some of her dolls and got them to stay up all night, because it was new year! Hazel was so into the game, that she never noticed one of the men coming up to check on her every half hour. That was until about 6pm and then they went to eat dinner.

Zayn went and got Hazel and brought her down and they all ate the delicious supper Harry made. After they cleaned up they watched a movie with some ice cream as a dessert. Usually at this time Hazel would be getting ready for bed but instead she was helping Niall and Liam pick out some games to play.

"We have got the games!" Hazel announced as she walked into the living room, seeing Harry, Louis and Zayn all placing down sweets and drinks and food to snack on.

"Nice." Louis said while sitting on the floor, then everyone following suit to create a circle.

"What game do you wanna start with bug." Louis asked as Hazel took a seat next to him.

"Hmm, snakes and ladders?" Hazel asked knowing how to play cause she remembers playing it with the men before.

"Great choice." Louis told her, making her smile, and Liam start getting the game out and ready.

They played a few rounds of Snakes and Ladders until everyone felt kind of bored so the played more games like charades, Cluedo, and pig goes pop.

The men loved there little game night, they loved hearing Hazel laugh and loved seeing her smile, it just made everything complete.

Eventually it got to 10:30pm, and Hazel got changed into her pjs cause it's comfy, and they all sat around eating a bit and the men making up weird story's for the young ones pleasure, and maybe some true ones from back in the day.

"Your turn Daddy Z!" Hazel exclaimed as she sat in between Niall and Zayn, Harry and Louis sitting on the two seater and Liam sitting in the single seat.

"Hmm, well, when we first got put together I've never been on a plane, but I had to cause we had to fly somewhere." Zayn started to explain, all the men knowing where it would go. "And I was really scared, and everyone knew. I had Daddy Lou at one side and Daddy Li on the other and Daddy Lou told me that when the plane takes off it's gonna do a loopy loop in the air. So for the first 15 minutes I was waiting for it. But it never happened." Zayn laughed nervously, still embarrassed that he believed the false story.

Hazel made a shocked face and turned to Louis who was laughing behind his hand. "Daddy Lou! That's not nice." Hazel scolded the man which everyone thought was so cute.

"I know, I know. I'm sorry." Louis said to the girl, trying so hard to hide his smile.

"Daddy Haz, can you tell your story now?" Hazel asked the man, and when he nodded she laid back onto Niall.

"Okay, well, there was this one time when we were on stage, and I was having so much fun, I didn't notice when my mic stand got stuck so when I tried to walk I fell back, it was really funny, that's what everyone thinks anyway." Harry said his story, laughing along with everyone else.

"Oh my gosh!! I remember that!!" Niall laughed so hard that his face was turning red.

"What's your story Daddy Ni?" Hazel then asked and Niall thought hard about what story he should tell.

"Um, I was carrying some golf clubs for one of my favourite golfers of all time, and there was a hole in the ground so I slipped and fell, on live tv." Niall said, still seeing 'oh no Niall' trend from time to time. Everyone laughed at the memory and Hazel laughed cause she thought it would be funny seeing her dads fall, and be okay of course, she just couldn't imagine them doing something like that, cause to her they are perfect.

"What about you daddy Lou?" Hazel asked the man who had been laughing so hard at everyone's story's.

"One time years ago when we were on the tv show that we were put together on, I put flour in my hat then put it one my head. I then took the hat off my head and the flour went everywhere. Then I had to clean it up which was the sad part, but it was cool." Louis said remembering all the way back to the video diaries.

"I remember that!" Niall said as he laughed again.

"I'm never doing that again. Flour is a nightmare to clean up." Louis said as he stretched his arms up then around Harry.

"What about you daddy Li?" Hazel asked the man.

"Umm, there was this one time me and Daddy Lou sneaked into an ice rink and flooded the whole place cause we couldn't find the right button." Liam laughed as he remembered that one time they weren't caught until the flooded the place.

"You guys were weird." Hazel said as she giggled into Niall.

"We are weird." Harry laughed along and eventually everyone one was laughing.

"Only 10 more minutes until the new year!" Liam informed everyone as he look at his watch.

The tv was quietly playing in the background the whole time everyone just waiting.

"I'll get the ciders." Harry told everyone as he stood up to get a few tins of cider and a cup of apple juice for Hazel.

"I'll help." Louis said as he to stood up to leave and they came back three minutes later, the 5 minute wait about to begin.

Hazel still laid next to Niall, her head on his chest, staying all comfy, until she drank her apple juice and had a boost of energy to stay awake.

The boys have given her plenty of opportunities to head to bed but she refused and insisted on staying up to do the count down so she can wish everyone a happy new year.

"1 minute guys!" Niall said as he sat up properly, and Hazel ran up to him so he placed her on his knee rocking her back and forth as they waited for the count down.

Happy new year!" Everyone was shouted at each other. Niall giving Hazel a kiss to her cheek and hugged her close.

"Happy new year daddy Ni! I love you. I love all of you so much." Hazel mumbled before drifting off to sleep in Niall's arms.

"I love you too sweetie." Niall said and kept her on his lap for another 5 minutes then he brought her up to bed.

The next hour the men were phoning home, telling everyone happy new year and just spending some time together before heading to bed at near 1AM.

Hey everyone,
Happy new year!!
I love you all!
All the love, K x

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