Chapter 45: Christmas Day!!!

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3rd person POV

It was 8:00am Christmas morning and Hazel was starting to wake up, still half in dream land about the day ahead.

It's when she heard footsteps and her door open when she came out of her dreamy state.

"Good morning sunshine. Merry Christmas!" Liam said quietly as she was still waking up. He sat down on the edge of her bed, rubbing a soothing hand up and down her back.

The rest of the men followed Liam in, all 5 of them wearing Santa hats, Harry carrying a spare one for Hazel if she wants it.

Hazel opened her eyes and sat up, rubbing them to get the sleep out.

"Merry Christmas!" All of them said to Hazel.

"Merry Christmas!" Hazel said as she immediately stood up and gave all of them a big hug, all of the men returning the hug just as tight.

Harry was the last one to get hugged and placed the Santa hat in on her head, taking in the huge smile that was placed on her face.

"Now, let's go downstairs and see if Santa came" Niall said, leading the way to the stairs.

Liam ran down and started to record, wanting to get her reaction to her first Christmas. Hazel didn't notice the camera as when she entered the room she was mesmerised by all the presents and colourful wrapping paper.

"Wow!" Hazel said as she looked around the room that had a lot of presents wrapped up around the room.

"How about we see what's in your stocking, have some breakfast then get to opening these presents?" Zayn suggested, everyone liking the plan.

They all sat in a circle watching Hazel see what's in her stocking.

The stocking consisting of;
Chocolate and sweets,
A cute kids necklace,
And so many more little things.

"This is so cool." Hazel said as she sat at the table, waiting for the pancakes, admiring the necklace.

Niall was sat beside her and couldn't help but smile, knowing very well this was her first Christmas and he was so happy it was with them.

"It is isn't it." Niall agreed still smiling widely. Hazel nodded and then asked Niall if he could help her wear it. Niall saying she could and placed on her.

Breakfast went by fast and then it got to the present opening.

It took a while to get through every present but nobody really cared, all they cared about was that smile on her face.

Hazel was amazed with all her new toys. She was really happy when she got her new space and spy stuff, still in love with the two things.

The men helped bring her stuff up to her room and left her to play. Once Hazel knew they weren't near the door, she got to work. Talking to herself in the process.

"They work so hard and Santa didn't bring them anything so I'm going to make them something. Yeah, I'll make them something amazing!" Hazel assured herself as she got out a big piece of A3 paper that she just got from Santa. As well as some more art stuff that came along with it.

"I'll make a huge picture of all of us together." Hazel said as she got colourful pens and pencils out and started to draw.

It took about 45 minutes to an hour for the drawing part to be done as she kept on rubbing it out wanting it to be 'perfect'

Then it took about a half hour for the colouring to be done, but once it was, she was in love.

"They are gonna love it!! I know it!!!" Hazel beamed, picking it up and going downstairs to find them, effectively finding them all in the kitchen preparing food. Harry being the first to notice her, hearing her walk in.

"Hey cupcake, what you got there?" Harry asked as he dried his hands after giving them a rinse, seeing the paper behind her back.

"I made a Christmas present for all of you since Santa didn't give you one." Hazel said sweetly, effectively making all the men stop what their doing and turning around to face her.

"Oh sweetheart. Santa isn't gonna come to us, we're a bit to old for him now, but thank you so much, can we have a look." Harry gently explained getting her to understand that Santa will only comes to kids.

Hazel nodded in understanding and excitedly showed them the picture she drew of the 6 of them smiling around the Christmas tree together, with 'Merry Christmas from Hazel' written at the top.

All the men crowded round to get a better look at the picture and they were in love. The picture itself was incredible but the thought behind it made it even better.

"Do you like it?" Hazel asked, after not getting a response before like she usually would when she would show them a drawing.

"It's amazing!" Harry said and gave her a huge hug. The rest of the men agreeing. After a small hugging session Hazel went back to play for a while, while the boys continued to make the big Christmas dinner.

It didn't take long and the food was served everyone eating a lot and just being so happy and grateful for each other.

Hazel's first experience with the Christmas crackers was one to remember, hating the kind noise but still loving pulling the paper and finding everything inside.

Soon the night came to an end with everyone watching one last Christmas film for a while, before finally deciding it was time to go to bed.

It was currently 11:30pm and Hazel was still up, the boys just not wanting to put their foot down but finally deciding it's time after they finished the movie 'Home Alone'.

"Alright, bedtime!" Liam says as the credits roll onto the screen. Hazel gave a small pout but went up to bed. Getting tucked in and kissed goodnight and fell asleep fast.

But not before smiling to herself and whispering to herself 3 words.

"Best Christmas ever!"

I was gonna update yesterday but I kinda forgot so here is the Christmas special!!

I hope you all enjoyed your Christmas and like this chapter.
See you all soon, byeeeeee!!!

All the love, K x

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