Chapter 33: The trip to the bakery

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3rd Person POV

Liam and Hazel walked out at the back of the building to try and avoid as much fans as possible.

Hazel had a death grip on Liam's hand as they walked down the street.

Eventually they made it to the bakery, where there was a lot of delicious things to eat.

"Alright sunshine, what do you want!" Liam asked fondly as they looked in the glass.

Hazel pointed to a caramel cup with a marshmallow on top. Liam nodded and got something for each of the boys and himself.

As Liam was paying, Hazel right by his side since he needed two hands, Hazel decided to take a look around the bakery.

As she looked at some tables and chairs she saw... him.

Her uncle Joey. He waved and put his thumb up. Then tilted it and crossed it over his neck, then pointed to Hazel. He was going to kill her.

"Thank you so much!" Liam said as he grabbed the bag of treats and Hazel's hand.

They walked out of the bakery and past a few shops and although Hazel wasn't talking it felt different, Liam still felt as if something was wrong.

He took a look at Hazel and noticed she was crying silently.

"Hazel, baby what's wrong?" Liam asked instantly concerned.

He crouched down to her level and laid the food down beside him.

Hazel point to the cafe and since she didn't have her picture she whispered, again barely audible, "Uncle Joey." Liam was shocked.

"Oh baby, did he do anything to you?" Liam asked as he got out his phone. Hazel nodded, then copied what he did.

Liam gasped, who would do that to anyone especially a child.

Liam phoned Paul, hoping he isn't busy.

*Phone call (L- Liam, P- Paul)

P - Hello, Liam. You alright?

L - Not really. You busy?

P - No just doing the normal stuff. Why? What's up?

L - I'll tell you wants you get here, start walking down to the bakery that's just down the street and FAST! PLEASE!!

End of phone call

And with that Liam hung up.

"Sunshine did he do anything else to you?" Hazel shook her head. He didn't do anything else today.

Paul arrived not even a minute later. And Liam began explaining.

"We went in and when we came out Hazel was crying I asked what's wrong she told me it was uncle Joey. He did this to her." Liam said mimicking what Hazel had shown him earlier.

"I'll phone the police tell me if he leaves." Paul says as he walks a few steps away calling the police.

"Hazel, baby, I need you to talk to me. What has your uncle Joey done to you to make you so scared?" Liam asked.

Hazel tensed at that question. Hazel thought for a second on how to do this before she went right up to Liam's ear and whispered, "He does what mummy and daddy did, and he- he." Hazel stoped she couldn't say it.

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