14| Spring Festival

Start from the beginning

"Thanks momma!" I rush over to give her a huge hug.

"Oh my! What's this about?" she asks.

"Nothing, I'm just a bag full of emotions and you always know how to ease my fears." I say shyly.

"Fears? Pish posh! You have nothing to be afraid of! Your father and I raised you to face any obstacle straight on. You've got more strength than you realize. He may not be here physically, but he's been guiding you since you were born. Nothing can stop you, my darling. In fact, I've been meaning to give you something." She pulls a small box out of her pocket. My eyes well up with tears.

"What is this? You didn't have to get me anything!" I open the box to reveal the intricate pendant my dad wore all the time. I remember playing with it as a child. I rub it with the pad of my fingers. "I miss him so much. I wish he was here to see me perform. I never thought I would be brave enough to step out on stage alone." I confess.

"He is and will always be with you. Never doubt that. I'll help you put this on. Now, let's get to the school so you can knock 'em dead!" mom ushers me downstairs and to the car.

The Spring Festival is in full swing and I make it through my first solo without a hitch. I was pleasantly surprised by the amount of applause and having my own personal cheering section. But now, the nerves are back and I am the final act of the show.

"And now, for our final performance in our Senior Spotlight, once again, your very own Amanda Young singing "Somewhere Only We Know" written by the band Keane as performed by Lily Allen." Mr. Randall's voice announces. The crowd applauds and then goes silent. I take a deep breath and quickly take my position in the middle of the stage. The curtains open. The spotlight rises to the stage. I take deep breath. The quiet keys of the piano begin to fill the auditorium.

"I walked across an empty land
I knew the pathway like the back of my hand
I felt the earth beneath my feet
Sat by the river and it made me complete

Oh, simple thing, where have you gone?
I'm gettin' old, and I need something to rely on
So, tell me when you're gonna let me in
I'm gettin' tired, and I need somewhere to begin

I came across a fallen tree
I felt the branches of it looking at me
Is this the place we used to love?
Is this the place that I've been dreaming of?

Oh, simple thing, where have you gone?
I'm gettin' old, and I need something to rely on
So, tell me when you're gonna let me in
I'm gettin' tired, and I need somewhere to begin

And if you have a minute, why don't we go
Talk about it somewhere only we know?
This could be the end of everything
So, why don't we go
Somewhere only we know?
Somewhere only we know

Oh, simple thing, where have you gone?
I'm getting old, and I need something to rely on
So, tell me when you're gonna let me in
I'm getting tired, and I need somewhere to begin

This could be the end of everything
So, why don't we go somewhere only we know?
Somewhere only we know
Somewhere only we know."

The music dies before the room erupts in applause. I'm so overwhelmed, but the face that stands out in the crowd is Bryan's. His face exudes pride, admiration, and love. Love? Does Bryan love me? Surely, I'm imagining this. Or is it wishful thinking?

The curtain closes and many of my choral classmates rush the stage to congratulate me on my performance. I'm overwhelmed by praise.

"Thank you all so much!" As my classmates disperse, I see Mr. Randall and Ms. Bell walking toward me.

"Your performance brought me to tears, my child." Ms. Bell coos. "It was breathtaking."

"I knew you could do it! I'm just sad it took me four years to convince you." Mr. Randall jokes.

"I'm so thankful you never gave up on me. This will always be a special memory. So, again, thank you." I affirm just as I spot Bryan, Luke, and Sam galloping across the stage.

"Ggggggiiiiirrrrrllllll, that last song was fire!" Sam shouts. I smile as Bryan wraps his arms around me and spins me around.

"Baby, that was the most incredible thing I've ever heard or seen." he praises as he places me back on my feet.

"I'm glad you liked it because you were the inspiration behind it." I confess softly.

"Truly Mandy, your performance was awesome." Luke chimes in, not allowing Bryan to respond to my last statement. He stands there, mouth agape and eyes wide. No words. As we begin to walk off stage, I slide my hand into his without looking up. We make it down the steps of the stage to find my mom patiently waiting for us. I walk over to her and wrap her in a warm embrace.

"Beautiful, baby girl, absolutely beautiful. Thank you for sharing that with me." my mom praises.

"Oh mom, I love you so!"

"Well, let's get out of here. I'm sure you guys are going out to celebrate. I've had enough fun for one night. Plus, I have things to take care of for the prom in a few weeks. A caterer's work is never finished!" she jokes. I guess the Mayor has hired her to cater the prom.

As we reach the parking lot, I feel Bryan's hand entangle with mine, but only briefly. After saying good bye to our friends, Bryan is standing at the back of his car, head slightly down, and arms crossed. He looks so handsome, but also a little sad.

"Bryan, what's wrong?" I inquire.

"Nothing." he looks up at me. "Did you really sing that song for me?"

I smile. "Yes, I did. It reminded me of your secret spot and the fact that you shared something so personal with me. So, it's somewhere only we know." I explain. "Many of the other lyrics fit our situation, too, but that was the main one." I finish.

Without any response, Bryan pushes off his car, wraps his hands around the back of my neck, and pulls me into the deepest kiss. He kisses me as if his life depends on it. The tingles erupt on my lips and now, I feel them radiating from Bryan's hands onto my face. It's a weird, but warming sensation which only enhances our kiss. He pulls away and rests his head on my forehead. Why is he so emotional right now? What's going on with him?

"There's so many things I want to tell you, but I don't know if my words would be enough. Some things will have to wait until the timing is right. But just know, I care for you, Amanda. And what you did tonight will forever be one of the greatest gifts anyone has ever given me." Bryan cryptically explains.

"I don't fully understand, but you're welcome. Thank you for being here and being by my side. This year was supposed to be like any other where I fly under the radar, but this year is turning out like nothing I've planned. I'm glad I got the chance to know you. Now, can we stop being sappy and go get some food? I'm starving!"

Laughing, "yes ma'am! Let's go!" Bryan walks me to my Jeep and then runs to his car. I stare at him until he revs up his car. How did I get so lucky?

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