When I listen the first notes of Canyon Moon, I laugh and I see that he added that song to his playlist. "Don't laugh, I want to sing it with Emms every time I drive her around."

My heart beats a little faster after these words leaves his mouth. "Do you want to drive her around?" 

He looks at me for a moment. "Of course I do. I like her a lot and I'm willing to help you when you want me to." 

"Thank you, H. I don't want you to feel obligated to do that because you are dating me." I remind him. I don't want him to feel pressed or that he needs to do things for Emma. 

"Darling, I wouldn't suggest it if I didn't want. I like Emma and she likes me too. But let's discuss it after lunch, okay?" He asks me and I look outside. We are at Emma's school. We walk together towards the entrance so the teacher will see us and dismiss Emma. Today Patrick is waiting for Millie. 

"Hello, how are you Pat?" I ask him and he looks at both of us. 

"I'm fine, sweetheart. I'm Patrick, Chris' husband." He introduce himself to Harry and Harry does the same. Patrick is far more chill than Chris and Harry seems to understand that as well. He soon is engaged in a conversation with him. William hasn't arrived yet and I'm glad that he won't meet Harry again. 

"Mummy." I hear the voice of my daughter and I turn my head to watch her walk towards me. She hasn't seen Harry yet but I'm sure that when she does she will forget about me. "I've missed you." 

I smile as I hug her. She is such a cutie. "I've missed you, too. How was school today?" I ask her. 

"We learned so much about theater, mumma. I have a role." She announces and then turns her head to speak to Millie but she doesn't say a thing to her. Her whole attention is on the boy with the green eyes in front of her. "Harry, my best friend. I've missed you." 

Harry looks at her and he smiles so wide his dimples are showing. "Em, my best friend. I've missed you too. Come give me a hug." He crouches down to take her into his arms. She immediately puts her hands around his neck and leaves a kiss on his cheek making him giggle. "Hello, princess Millie. How are you?" He asks Emma's best friend and she blushes. He knows that the two girls are referring to him a prince. 

"I'm good, mr Harry. How are you?" The little girl asks him, using his last name because she doesn't know his last name. 

"I'm fine. But please call me Harry. I thought we are friends." He answers. 

"Oh, okay." Millie simply reply and then takes Patrick's hand. They say Goodbye to us and walk to a different direction from us. 

"You will act i've heard Emma." Harry speaks to my daughter as he helps her sit to her car seat.

"I will. Teacher said that I will be summer. We will play the seasons and months and I'm mother Summer. Will you help me learn my part, mumma?" She asks me. I smile and turns my head to look at him. 

"Of course, I will. I'm sure Harry is going to help you as well. You know Emma, Harry is an actor." 

She giggles. "Silly, mumma. Harry is a singer." 

Both Harry and I laugh with how sure she sounds. "Harry is an actor, too. He's been to a couple of movies." I inform her. 

"I want to watch them." She demands. 

"When you get older, they are for big kids." I tell her and I continue before she starts crying about wanting to watch her best friend on screen. "Do you know where are we going?" She shakes her head as I can see from the rear view mirror. "We are going to Harry's house. You are going to meet someone very special to him." I tell her and she immediately asks me who. 

"You have to wait and see. I'm sure you will love him." Harry assures her. "Now, miss Emma. Do you want to listen to some music?" She nods and I takes his phone to my hands so I can open Spotify. Canyon Moon is being heard in the car and Emma is singing the melody. "Yes, I could get used to that." He says, more to himself than me and I smile. 

They both start singing and I can't help but take a video of that moment. I don't want to forget it. And I  know that we will create a lot of memories like these in the future. I can imagine Emma singing As it was loud and clear when Harry decides to play it for her. 

"Here we are, little ladies. Emma, I hope you will like my house." He tells Emma as he pulls in the garage and opens his door and goes to hers. He takes her into his arms and he holds a hand for me to take. Is this going to be my future? 

"Now Emma, I want you to stand here as I call my special friend." He says as he leaves Emma on her feet. She doesn't understand exactly what is going on and she turns to look at me. "Oliver, come here. I want you to meet my bestie." He calls his dog and happy steps are being heard coming to the living room where we are standing. 

When Emma sees Oliver she puts a hand on her mouth and looks at him with wide eyes. Harry comes to my place and puts his hand around my waist. I look at him and then back to my daughter. She doesn't move. Oliver doesn't move as well. 

"Emma, this is my friend Oliver. He wanted to meet you so much. You can pet him if you want." Harry tells her but she doesn't even look at him. She only looks at the golden retriever in front of her. "Don't be afraid, darling. Talk to him." 

"Hello, Oliver." Her little voice says to the dog and only then Oliver walks closer to her. She pets his head giggling as he wants to lick it. I haven't seen her that happy in a really long time and I'm glad that Harry and Oliver could make her feel that way. 

"She likes him." Harry notices and I nod. Emma is talking to the dog like she expects him to answer her. She tells him her name, her age, how much she loves me, that she has a best friend named Millie and how much she likes Harry. She talks with so much love about everything and I can't help but smile at how pure is a kid's soul. I wish I could protect her. 

"Emma, your mumma and I will go to the kitchen to prepare lunch. Do you want to come with us or do you want to stay here with Oliver?" Harry asks her and it's the only time she looks at him. She has the biggest smile on her face and she tells him that she wants to stay here. Harry opens the TV and goes to Disney plus. He chooses Tangled for her to watch if she gets bored and then he takes my hand and guides me to the kitchen. We leave the door open so we can hear if something happens. "What do you want to eat?" 

"Something simple, like pasta." I answer. 

He puts on his apron and he gives me one as well. "I'm the perfect person for this. I know so many recipes. My time in Italy was really beneficial for my cooking skills." 

"Do you have a house in Italy?" I ask him this time. 

"I do, yes. I want to take you there someday. It's the perfect place, my perfect place." He announces and then proceeds to tell me everything about his house in Italy. 

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