chapter 25.

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Taehyung sat close to Jeongguk who received the bottle next and poured himself a shot. He of course skipped Taehyung and passed it onto Namjoon who poured himself an amount.

"We haven't all sat together in months like this," Jimin spoke fascinated and soon the group began to remember the times together.

Taehyung sat quiet amidst the talking and silently analysed everyone's personality. What he noticed was that Marina kept glancing at Jeongguk and glaring at him before realising that Taehyung was watching. Great, someone already hates me.

Jeongguk let out a laugh at Namjoons joke and set eyes on Taehyung to see his reaction only to frown. The boy seemed tense and dazed, his eyes were constantly shifting to the girl in front which made hims frown.

"So, what game are we first playing?" Jeongguk placed a secure around Taehyung who flinched at the sudden contact. Both of them watched Jimin pull out a couple of cards from the middle of the circle.

"Answer or drink, you either answer the question or take a shot," Jimin explained the game and paused for a few seconds, "Since Taehyung doesn't drink, Jeongguk has to drink for him if he refuses to answer a question," he was about to point at the mentioned boy before stopping himself.

"Yeah fine," Jeongguk agreed even though Taehyung had an unsure look.

I really don't wanna play this, I hate the smell already. It reeks. Taehyung shuffled to get rid of the nauseous feeling forming in the pit of his stomach and uncomfortably glanced Jeongguk. His eyes pleaded for help, but unfortunately Jeongguk was too immersed in the game.

"Let's start with Taehyung since he's the new addition and then go around," Jimin picked up a card and grinned, "Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?"

There was a silence and Taehyung could feel Jeongguk's entire energy shift. His heart was pounding against his chest and he could feel  Jeongguk's lips all over again. It was hard to forget, it was his first kiss after all.

They can't tell if I'm lying. Taehyung swallowed dryly, "No," he confidently replied and shuddered when  Jeongguk's grip around his shoulder tightened and a bitter scoff left the boy.

Jin raised an eyebrow at the reaction and glanced at Namjoon who also was amused by the scene, "Who did you last kiss?"

"Just...just some guy," Taehyung nervously replied.

"Next question for Jeongguk," Sara eagerly encouraged Jimin to carry on who laughed.

"If you could get a strip show from anyone in this room, who would it be?" He placed the card away and waited for an answer.

"Obviously me," Namjoon blew a kiss at Jeongguk and did a seductive dance causing the group to burst into laughter.

Taehyung grinned turning to Jeongguk who silently picked up the shot glass and downed it in one go. A serious of 'ohh's left the group, aside from Taehyung. The way Jeongguk's sharp eyes were set on him the second he took the shot told him exactly why he took the shot.

"Okay! Namjoon! Who's the ugliest friend you know?" Jimin asked the boy who immediately took the shot.

"It's obviously not me," Jin flicked his hair causing the group to laugh.

"Okay Marina! What ex-" Jimin paused for a second and cleared his throat, "Was the worst kisser?" He decided to change the question and place the card upside down. The real question being 'What ex would you get back with?' laid hidden with the others.

"Uh Jackson," She replied quietly.

Taehyung wondered what was up with her. He kept wondering the question until the circle went around fully and it landed on him once again. Is she just shy or is there something going on? He asked himself.

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