chapter 8.

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Jeongguk tossed and turned on Taehyung's bed, unable to sleep at all. It was midnight and the comforting scent of Taehyung was keeping him up rather than relaxed. Eventually he gave up, sitting up with dishevelled hair.

When his throat itches for water he forced himself out of bed and into the long corridor of rooms which he still wasn't able to get over. He definitely did not expect Taehyung to be the rich type.

His feet pressed against the cold wooden stairs, reaching the even colder floors of the living room. Taehyung's living room was an open room which meant the kitchen was right next to it.

That meant he could see who was roaming around in the kitchen, humming to themselves whilst cutting some sort of vegetable.

"Taehyung?" Jeongguk called out once he got closer. In front of him was the mentioned boy cooking a hot meal, back turned to him as he placed a pan on the stove.

"Why the hell are you down here?" Taehyung turned around instantly.

A thick tension formed between them, Jeongguk's eyes dropping down to his lips and then Taehyung's onto Jeongguk's. A tingle spread across Taehyung's mouth and he could feel Jeongguk's lips moving across his passionately causing his heart to flutter.

Jeongguk could remember what Taehyung tasted like, it made him want to step closer and pull him into a kiss. But he didn't, since he hated Taehyung.

"I was hungry," Jeongguk managed to choke out, pointing at the food Taehyung was cooking for a mere seconds.

Taehyung just hummed and turned away, gripping onto the knife tightly, "Sit down, I'll cook you some," he reluctantly spoke. He wanted to add poison to the food too, especially now that the boy he hated the most was the one who took his first kiss.

"I can't stay until Sunday morning, I think I'll shoot myself if I have to hear your little sister whine about one of us being losers," Jeongguk trailed his finger across the counter with a bored expression. He expected Taehyung to agree.

"No, you can't," Taehyung stopped cutting and turned to him, "She's...she's going through something right now and it'll make her happy if you stayed," he attempted to sound as depressing as possible. Which worked.

His mind went back to when he left the two alone with their father for just one night, only to return to hungry children crying for comfort. It hurt him, a sharp pain in his chest which began to show on his face when his eyes swelled with tears.

Jeongguk's eyes flickered between the teary boys face and then the knife which was getting closer and closer to his fingers, "Fine I'll stay," he spoke up.

Taehyung breathed out a shaky 'thanks' before bringing the cutting board on top of the pan and throwing in all the ingredients he had cut.

"You can't tell anyone that I'm having a sleepover at yours."


"My friends, well everyone, thinks you're a real weirdo because you look like that," Jeongguk was talking about the dark eye circles and chapped lips. Greasy hair too, but Taehyung had showered so that was no longer there.

"So you guys hate me because I look funny."

"No, not really. You're so lazy it irks me, it's annoying seeing you in class whispering in your sleep- which by the way is really fucking creepy- and then you're always late disturbing the class,"

"Sorry," Taehyung turned his back to him again and took in a silent deep breath.

"I'm not trying to be rude and shit, but you're genuinely really fucking odd and it's so irritating that you just get away with being lazy and shit," Jeongguk scoffed, not looking up at Taehyung or realising what he had been saying.

He was speaking his mind without stopping to think, it was a bad habit of his. Saying whatever without thinking about it.

"It's not my fault alright? And don't say shit like that to my face by starting of with 'I'm not trying to be rude' when you sound like a complete asshole," Taehyung finally turned around again, picking up the pan towards some rice.

"After this sleepover we're gonna act like nothing ever happened, like we never..." Jeongguk paused for a brief second, "Kissed, and I'm only being nice because it scares the kids when we fight,"

"Yeah whatever," Taehyung rolls his eyes again, wincing quietly when his head hurt from the action.

"Anyways, how's your nose," Jeongguk mentally laughed at the memory. The way his friend just stood there in shock made him cackle out loud almost.

"Think it's fine, I was supposed to get it checked but I don't have the time to," Taehyung murmured as he stirred the rice, eventually turning the stove down.

"It does look a little funny but I just thought that's your regular face," Jeongguk joked and got ready to laugh, but stopped when he saw that Taehyung's face didn't move a muscle.

"Here," Taehyung placed down a plate of rice in front of him and then made his way to sit next to him, leaving one seat between them. He stared at his food with a blank expression, no longer in the mood now that Jeongguk had ruined it.

"What are we going to do tomorrow?" Jeongguk asked as he ate, side eyeing Taehyung who took slow bites of his food.

"They want to go to McDonald's to eat and then the arcade," Taehyung's reply was bland. There was a lack of emotion to it that hinted he was on the verge of crying because of Jeongguk but was covering it.

"Better go to sleep then, thanks for the food," Jeongguk alas got up, leaving the finished plate at the counter whilst Taehyung ate his.

The minute Jeongguk was back upstairs, Taehyung dropped his spoon on to the plate and brought his hands to his face. Sobs began to pour out of his mouth into his palms, tears staining his skin and dripping down his chin.

His heart ached for many reasons. His father wasn't present and it hurt to see his siblings live like that, and it pained him to watch his own life deteriorate for their sake. Now that he was fully aware everyone around him thought of some weird loser that was lazy, ugly and creepy it stung.

He didn't choose to be like that, he was made to be like that. There were countless days he wished he could even just end it because of the bullying; put the knife to a different use or take a pain killer for different reasons. But the two kids needed him.

If only Jeongguk understood who he was bullying and why Taehyung was like the way he is.

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